Gene Stratton Porter's The Last Passenger Pigeon

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In The Last Passenger Pigeon Gene Stratton-Porter describes herself and her family’s interactions with wildlife, especially hunting birds. Stratton-Porter’s father was a very religious man, not allowing any of his twelve children to harm doves and passenger pigeons because they are portrayed in the bible as holy. According to their website, “Later, in the New Testament, the pigeon was first mentioned during the baptism of Christ where the dove descended as the Holy Spirit” (“21 Amazing Facts about Pigeons”). Gene Stratton Porter wrote The Last Passenger Pigeon to inform the people of her time and generations to come how humans’ actions impact wildlife in many ways. The author states, “He used to tell me that they were among the …show more content…

I thought of the reading as just another environmental writing trying to bring light to extinction of a species of bird. Then once I sat down a few nights ago I read the passage and I started to tear up reading about these poor birds brutally hunted. I started to feel the same emotions as Stratton-Porter did when she saw the bag of birds at her neighbor’s house. What really shocked me about how these birds went extinct. No one else saw them as Stratton-Porters father did, biblically. Her father told the other men in their neighborhood about how killing off the quails were bad for farming. Stratton-Porter states, “These things he studied out and began to pass along to his neighbors, even to put in his sermons that he preached in the pulpit” (196). Towards the end, I really enjoyed with how Stratton-Porter saw the wild pigeon after they were thought to be extinct, with a price for its capture and had no desire to disturb the bird. Stratton-Porter states, “So here I was looking with all my soul at one specimen of a bird bearing on its head a price ranging from one hundred up, with no way and no desire to capture it” (204). The very last part of this piece blew me away by the emotion wave I got feeling the bird voicing his thoughts. With the extinction of the passenger pigeon, there has been conservation movements to protect the wildlife and there habitat from

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