Gender Roles In Mexican Culture

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Gender Roles in Mexico and the U.S.
There are many differences in gender role in different cultures. People are expected to act different and do different things. It is important to know these differences to respect other cultures. Knowing the differences also helps us from accidentally insulting other cultures. No two cultures are the same. There are always differences but there are also similarities. Though Mexico and America are very close, there are many differences in gender role, along with some similarities.
In Mexican families, men are generally “in charge”. In a traditional Mexican family, women take care of the children and maintain the household while the men go to work and put food on the table. This is similar to American culture because in an American family, if a parent stays home, it is usually the woman. In both Mexican and American families, women generally have the nurturing and caring job while men do work outside the house. Men usually get the jobs that take more body power. There are also many differences in gender role between these countries.
While women usu...

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