Gender Representation Essay

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Sex is the biological classification of male or female according to genitalia at birth. An example is when a baby is born with a vagina its sex is automatically classified as a female and if it is born with a penis its sex is male. Sex category is identificatory displays that match a person’s biological sex. For instance, a person who is born female will appear to be female through her actions, mannerisms, style, etc. However, sex and sex category can vary independently because a person can claim membership in a sex category that does not match their sex criteria. In other words, a person can be a male but have mannerisms, style, etc. of a female. Gender is the social differences used to determine if someone is a man or a woman regardless of their …show more content…

Black lesbians in New York use specific modes of gender to organize their social relationships. This role of gender presentation differs from white lesbian women because white lesbian women “gender play” when organizing their social relationships, the femme and butch dichotomy. The three modes of physical gender representation Moore finds in her study are femme, gender-blender, and transgressive. Femme is a more feminine presentation and is only limited to how they look physically, rather than gender ideologies or personality traits. Gender-blender is when a lesbian combines aspects of femininity and masculinity to create a unique look, and transgressive lesbians have a masculine presentation. Social class shapes these roles because middle and upper class lesbian women expressed femme, gender-blender, and transgressive displays but did not participate in the pairings of feminine and non-feminine women and did not typically like to present themselves as transgressive

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