Gender Synthesis Essay

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What if one day you woke up in the body of the opposite gender? The only exception is that you possess the same thoughts and mindset. “700,000 people” (Times Union 1), have been born in a body that they do not love or wish to have. These people are never fully accepted and they never get a break as they continuously have to fight for their happiness. With this statement I am constantly reminded of how far people have to gone to fight for their equality and so many years later we are still left with more questions than answers. Why does any one human being have more superiority over another? What gives these certain individual so much power where they can take the happiness of others? In the world we live today we have many people who are labeled …show more content…

When we die our race does not show, our culture does not show, if someone is transgender or interested in men or women this does not show when we are put into the ground. We were not born to hate any human being, as children we are accepting of everyone. Why is it that someone can have such an impact on the way someone wishes to live their life? In the world “4.6 percent of the overall U.S. population has self-reported a suicide attempt… [the percentage of people that have attempted suicide jumps to] 41 percent [for] trans or gender non-conforming people”(Vocativ 3). My theory is that this number can be greatly decreased if the world can share some more happiness. If we can spread kindness and try harder to teach the children in our world about equality this number will decrease significantly if that theory is carried out. If you start when they are young children will never learn how to hate, unless influenced by adults who have already learned how to hate other human beings. People die each and every day, some live happy lives, others are less fortunate. Almost half of all transgender people destroy their bodies emotionally and physically due to the views and actions of this cruel and unjust …show more content…

These dreams can take us all in many different directions and paths, dreams that will bring us closer to whatever we truly want in life. Some may want riches beyond anything could ever imagine. Some want to find peace, some want to explore the world, find the perfect relationship partner, start a family. When we are chasing these dreams it truly comes down to one thing that everyone in this world wants, that being happiness. We all just want to live our lives doing what we wish in order to be happy. We all have our own source of happiness deep within us, true happiness. Happiness can not come from an outside source, we create happiness with our thoughts and actions. Our thoughts and actions can greatly influence the happiness of others. A person who is transgender is the same as you and I, all they want is happiness. Some people can not understand this and through various forms of bullying, transgender people have their happiness taken from them. Why are their dreams less important? Why are people blind to see that transgender people want to chase the same dream that you and I have? They want to be happy and are often denied this, day after day, generation after

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