Gender And Social Construction Essay

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In “Gender and Social Construction: Who? What? When? Where? How?” Sally Haslanger says that gender is socially constructed. This means that gender does not biologically exist. When we are born, we are either a male or female. You either have boy parts or girl parts - biologically speaking. In some special cases, people are intersex - meaning their sex is ambiguous or they have both parts. When referring to gender, we are speaking in terms of femininity and masculinity - the way a person “acts.” This means that you can biologically be a male who acts masculine or biologically be a male and act feminine (vice versa for the biological females). I think that Haslanger is right to say that gender arises out of social practices and is not a biological …show more content…

When looking at their role in a family, they should meet the family’s economic needs, make the important decisions, and provide leadership. In contrast, women are made out to be creatures who are weak, dependent, and powerless. They need a man to take care of them because they cannot do it for themselves. When looking at their role in a family, they should run the household by caring for the children and meeting the emotional needs of family members. In most cases of the modern world, it is okay for women to become strong and independent by deviating from this social construction. However, God forbid a man shed a tear or do anything that is considered feminine. While people are becoming more accepting of this deviance, it is still not widely accepted by …show more content…

I have long hair, I wear makeup, I wear bras and dresses, and I look like your typical female. However, I tend to just do whatever I feel like doing. This means that while I look like a female, I certainly do not have all of the typical mannerisms of one. If I were trying to appease society, I would be mostly quiet, I would do what I was told, and I certainly not argue against it. These are three tasks that are pretty impossible for me as I cannot sit there and let someone else control me. I think that in my own case, it is a good thing that I am this way. The reason that I look like a female and dress like a female has nothing to do with the fact that I felt forced or obligated to do so. It is simply because I like to do so. Perhaps I was never given a choice at a young age, but I think that even if I was, I still would have chosen to look the way that I do. Also, it is a good thing that I do not act like what society expects women to look like. I like being independent and I refuse to be “owned” by anybody. I am an individual and not someone’s possession and I never will

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