Gender And Masculinity In The Legend Of The Sleepy Hollow

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Gender began as a big part of society many years ago. Feminist scholars have shown how gender is a central component of social and political life. As well as class, race, and sexuality, gender is now understood as one of the essential aspects which shape our lives and determines the distribution of power in our society.

In ‘The legend of the sleepy hollow’, Washington Irving creates the character Brom Van Brunt in a way that displays just how one’s gender including society’s understanding of gender affects the social and political sides of the person’s life. If the reader views Brunt as the stereotypical laborer, they may see how the ideal image of gender in the early American Literature may have influenced Irving’s creation of this character. …show more content…

Masculinity traits include assertiveness, instrumentality, business interests, adventurous, dominance, strength, risk-taking, and mechanical interests. The description of Brunt fits the stereotypical conception of masculinity. Washington Irving creates Brunt to be the picture of manhood, embodying the construction of masculinity. He claims Brunt to be the hero of the country round, which rung with his feats of strength and hardihood. He was broad shouldered and double jointed, with short curly black hair, and a bluff, but not unpleasant countenance, having a mingled air of fun and arrogance. From his Herculean frame and great powers of limb, he had received the nick-name of Brom Bones, by which he was universally known. (Irving …show more content…

At this time in history, society defined masculinity through one’s physical appearance and strength–like that of Brunt. In ‘the legend of the sleepy hollow’ masculinity defeats others who lacks a masculine physical appearance and strength. Some could argue that Ichabod displays features of femininity. Hopefully these perceptions of masculinity and femininity can change. Imagine if Washington Irving were to write this same story today, roles would reverse in the matters of Ichabod’s intelligence defeating Brunt’s aggressive

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