Gay Marriage Should Be Legal

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Gay Marriage: A Civil Right What is equality? Is it bending to the nations will or is it providing certain human rights without regard of the person or persons? The majority of Americans believe in the latter. Unfortunately, giving same-sex couples the right to marry, which is a human right, threatens certain traditions in the world of religion. However, the legalization of same-sex marriage is a necessary action to keep our nations view on equality. Although same-sex marriage is a recently approached issue, homosexual rights has been a subject in debate since its introduction to the mainstream since the 1960’s. On June 28,1969, the Stonewall Inn, a New York gay club, was raided. While this raid was legally justified, the bar had multiple legal issues such as the lack of a liquor license, the main reason for the raid was to rid New York of a prominent gay club. This was followed by riots by homosexuals and their supporters. In these early days, gay rights focused on personal liberation rather than marriage. The Gay Liberation Front even rejected marriage because they saw it as an oppressor. Eventually , in 1983, public homosexuaity arrived into the political world when Gerry Stud Became the first openly gay congressman. This, along with vermont being the first state to institute civil rights, and the first gay marriage on May 17, 2004 in Cambridge, MA, is an amazing accomplishment but even though gay rights had a strong beginning, the battle is far from being over. When the idea of changing the law means the changing of tradition, many opposers bring those traditions to the forefront in their argument. Glen Lavy, JD, senior counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund broached the idea that if same-sex marriage was lega... ... middle of paper ... ...e Pope and Pope Benedict XVI stated his opposition of gay marriage, saying that the Roman-Catholic church couldnt support gay marriage because it questions the life of the couple and the family. This speaks to overtly religious people but money, speaks louder. Unfortunately the congressional Budget Office estimated that extending employment benefits to same sex couples would cost the government nearly $898 million overall between 2010 and 2019, however; the legalization of same sex marriage would provide revenue for local and federal governments through marriage licenses and higher income taxes. In the end it is important to consider the equality of each and every individual and to feel empathy towards same-sex couples. We all want to love and be loved freely so why shouldn't homosexuals have that right? After all America is about liberty, and justice for all.

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