Gastroenteritis Research Paper

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Hello Class, Gastroenteritis is a general medical condition which affects people every day. For this example, we are heading to Florida for a standard football game between a North Carolina football team and local Florida team. During the football game, several players on the North Carolina team suddenly began to vomit and have diarrhea. Despite their illness, the players continued to play. Due to the nature of the game and football being a contact sport, it made it difficult for players to avoid contact with feces and vomitus. After the game, the Florida players also had similar gastrointestinal symptoms. The only contact between the teams had been on the playing field. The North Carolina team and staff received a locker-room lunch before flying to Florida for the game. The locker-room lunch was provided by a restaurant with the food handlers denying having had any diarrhea recently. Becker, Moe, Southwick, and MacCormack …show more content…

These symptoms are detrimental to football players because it is a contact sport. In addition, the players should not be allowed to play because severe vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Dehydration is counterproductive when playing any sport because it hinders performance and can lead to more serious symptoms. Furthermore, excessive vomiting or diarrhea can result in low levels of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia). Diagnosis of gastroenteritis consists of a doctor's evaluation, stood tests, and sometimes sigmoidoscopy. However, in this example were the players were clearly vomiting and had diarrhea, the symptoms are enough to diagnosed the players with food poisoning. Stood tests are only required if the symptoms are severe and last more than 48 hours. If the symptoms persist longer, then the doctor may need to examine the large intestine with a sigmoidoscope to determine whether the person has a disease such as ulcerative

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