Essay On Crohn's Disease

666 Words2 Pages

Crohn’s disease is a disease that causes inflammation, swelling, and irritation to any part of the digestive tract which is also known as the gastrointestinal tract or GI tract. The disease most commonly targets the ileum which is a part in the small intestine. The digestive tract is organs that connect your mouth to your anus and it releases hormones and enzymes for the digestion in food. The inflammation caused by the disease goes deep into the lining of the digestive tract. It creates a stricture in the small intestine which is a narrowing of the pathway that can slow the movement of food through the intestine. The stricture can then move to large intestine which can cause many problems for absorption. When the disease causes the intestine to swell it can also be very problematic because the large intestine wouldn’t be able to function properly. Crohn’s disease is considered as an inflammatory bowel disease.
The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown and there is no proof that the disease is caused by an infection. At the same time researchers have found that it is the result of an abnormal reaction by the body’s immune system. They think that in the disease the immune system fights bacteria, foods, and other substances that are actually harmless or beneficial to the body. The white blood cells that are released to fight off these substances multiply in the lining of the intestine and that’s what creates the inflammation. The inflammation in the digestive tract also involves other factors as well, such as: the gene the person has inherited in the person’s immune system and the environment. Research has also found that Crohn’s disease is not contagious.
There are many symptoms of Crohn’s disease but most common ones are abdominal p...

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...stive tract. Surgery becomes an option when the medication does not control the symptoms anymore and become ineffective. The procedure includes removal of the affected areas of the bowel and then joining the two ends of the healthy parts together. Sadly while this procedure may cause the symptoms to disappear for many years, they will eventually reoccur later on in life.
Crohn’s disease cannot be prevented or cured but there are ways to manage the symptoms and lower the chance of relapses: Reduce stress on the digestive tract by having small, frequent meals. Have a low fibre, but well-balanced diet (fibre may cause problems to the inflamed intestinal walls). Stress can worsen the symptoms so relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and slow breathing may be helpful. Avoid stimulants like tobacco and caffeine, exercise regularly, maintain a positive attitude.

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