Garrett Monologue

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“Love is true and solemnly between two people, a deep devotion shared.” This is the quote that lay under my shrine of Garrett. He was so beautiful, with his long gold locks, and his sun kissed skin. I loved him so much, he was the perfect boy. Today I had to look my very best, as it was the first day of my second year at Newhall High. I woke up at five in the morning to do my hair and makeup perfectly. I didn’t have to worry about my outfit, as I stayed up until three picking it out the night before. Everyday since the sixth grade, I forced myself to kiss goodbye my shrine of Garrett, and if I didn’t, it would mess up my entire daily routine for the day. If everything wasn’t perfectly perfect, how could I function? Second to my love for Garrett …show more content…

She wore pigtails and the tiniest skirts, it’s not surprising how all of the boys were constantly trailing behind her. “Despicable,” I said to my friends. They were agreeing with me, afraid that if they defended Adelaide I would go on full rage mode. I hated this girl, I was so utterly jealous of her. I could not let anyone know this, so I put on a happy expression to disguise my hatred for her. The boy with the most interest in her was Garrett, of course. I knew this from the start. If she thought that she was going to get with him, well, she was in for a …show more content…

If anyone was to be caught talking or cheating, they would receive an automatic zero. I crumbled a piece of scrap paper for the test, and threw it at the back of her head. “OUCH!” she yelled,” Who did that?” Ms. Fletcher sternly got up and stomped towards Adelaide, “If you are not aware, this test is worth seventy-five percent of your grade, make another peep and I will give you a zero.” Adelaide stood up straight, and continued to do her test, wincing at how much her head hurt from the force of the paper. I then whispered, “Adelaide… Oh Adelaide.” She turned to me, and said, “Huh?” She then moves toward me, and Ms. Fletcher immediately stands up, yelling, “That’s it,” she walks over to her, “I hope you like looking at a failing grade Adelaide, let this be a warning to all of you, if you test me, you will fail my class!” I snickered in my seat quietly, and looked at Garrett’s face, disgusted by the fact that this seemingly perfect girl cheated on the biggest test of the year! My plan was working ever so

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