Gaming Is A Sport Essay

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Is the gaming world actually considered an actual sport? That is the question we have in front of us today. We will be going over many reasons why gaming IS a sport together. Gaming has been around for a while now and many people take in part of games in their daily lives. Many people have become very good at video games which led to the creation of Major League Gaming. As video games started to get big in the 80’s, many people started competitions for the games like pac-man and pong. This was the earliest form of competitive gaming. People started taking more interest in the gaming community as more and more competitions came along. It even led into competitions that were for a prize of cash money. The first gaming competition was in 1981 for the world record for Space Invaders. The first championship for a gaming competition was in 2006 for a grand prize of 1 million dollars. This leads into the creation of E Sports. E Sports is an organization that was created in the late 2000’s when First Person Shooters ( FPS ) were first popular. With the rise of Call of Duty, competitive gaming got more serious. At around the time that Call of Duty Modern Warfare: 2 came out, many clans ( which are groups of online players that play together to face off against other clans ) started forming. One of the …show more content…

This could happen as soon as the 2020 summer games. They started considering this after eSports getting shown on the X-Games this year on ESPN. There are five main categories and thirty-five used when evaluating whether the addition of a new sport will be added to the Olympics: Olympic Proposal ( Resources Needed ), Value to the Olympic movement, institutional matters ( rules ), how popular it is, and the business model behind it. “ The IOC Executive Board approved this is in June 2015 for eSports to be considered for the Olympics “ says the article written about this

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