Galileo's Beliefs

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The 16th and 17th centuries were a time where theories were being developed against traditional beliefs, many of which interfered with past religious teachings. Galileo Galilei was one man in particular who had developed certain theories regarding the sun and the plants, which was greatly criticized by the Catholic Church. Because of the disapproval of his theories by the Catholic Church, Galileo went through several hardships. However, his discoveries went on to be historic even though the Catholic Church showed objection to his discoveries.
Galileo made many discoveries, some of which were a major breakthrough in science and history. He discovered there are mountains and craters on the moon, four moons revolving around Jupiter, the phases …show more content…

The Roman Church took the passage literally when it said the sun moves around the earth and the earth stands still, and since Galileo was saying the sun was still in the center while the earth moved, Galileo was looked upon as a sinner. In addition, for over thousands of years, people had accepted the idea that the Earth was the center and all revolved around it, and once Galileo came up with the theory that Earth and all other planets revolved around the Sun, it threatened the traditional concept of the universe. Along with other newly discovered theories, most were so controversial and threaten because they went against religious teachings and also went against concepts that had already been accepted by society for many …show more content…

Confusion, chaos, and questioning of morals and beliefs are the outcomes of these disputes. With the two opposing viewpoints, religious and science, people get confused on what to believe. Also, both science and religion make people question their beliefs and morals, which could cause more confusion for an individual. A suggestion in dealing with these conflicts, would be to expand one’s knowledge over the topic and once they have enough facts or evidence, they can choose what they want to believe and it is important to stick with

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