Functional Assessment: Appropriate Behavior In The Classroom

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In almost every classroom there is either that one student or few students that get into trouble in class more often than others. The teacher is either sending the student to the principal’s office, evacuating the classroom, or calling upon the behavioral team to intervene. How is this productive and beneficial for the student and those around the student?

For us, as teachers, to know what’s behind the inappropriate behavior can help not only the student but also the classroom management and the school can collaborate and find ways to change the behavior. Basically, every student's behavior serves a purpose, whether they’re aware of it or not, they act a certain way to get to a desired outcome or goal, so how can we help those students achieve the desired outcome/ goal using an appropriate behavior for the classroom? …show more content…

It uses a variety of techniques to understand what’s behind inappropriate behaviors. Including the possible non-educational factors that might be contributing to the student’s frustration with learning and the classroom settings. (Lewis, pp.121) An important part of a behavioral functional assessment is figuring out what triggers certain behaviors in students, and their peers.

The first step to the Functional Behavior Assessment is defining the inappropriate behavior by using simple words to describe the student’s behavior. I.e. saying the student is “disruptive” doesn’t give enough information about the specific behavior that’s inappropriate. Instead, it’s important to describe the behavior in a specific way. For example, ‘the student rips up worksheets, throws them at the teacher or off the desk, and is argumentative when asked to show work in math

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