Functional And Dysfunctional Conflict

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Organisations today face many challenges and threats in the rapidly changing and highly competitive global environment , one of these challenges is organisational conflict. Conflict is an inevitable and normal phenomenon between individuals and groups in each organization (OJO and ABOLADE,no date). There is growing recognition of the importance of conflict in the organization (Garcia-Prieto, Bellard, and Schneider, 2003) . According to Hocker and Wilmot in 1995,quoted by Henry(2008),said that not all conflicts can be easily regarded as good or bad. This essay will critically discuss both functional and dysfunctional organisational conflicts and their good or bad consequences. As a general rule, not all conflicts should be eliminated.

Functional conflicts have a beneficial effect on team-based working organisation and should be encouraged(van Woerkom and van Engen, 2009) .It is usually regarded as corporative or constructive conflicts in management circle(Amason, 1996). If well-handled the functional conflict, it can lead to synergistic human interaction and solutions that benefit everybody involved.(Thomas,2004)A third family-owned business, mentioned by Thomas …show more content…

While dysfunctional conflict tends to be associated with negative features and situations which give rise to inefficiency, ineffectiveness of organisation development . Therefore , organisations should endeavour to stimulate functional conflict and reduce dysfunctional conflict, manage both of them to the benefit of the

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