Frrancine Hughes Case Study

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Francine Hughes, a Michigan house-wife who suffered over thirteen years of abuse by her husband, one night after a fatal attack, poured gasoline over his sleeping body, setting him on fire ultimately leading to his death. Francine was prosecuted for the crime but was acquitted due to the insanity plea. The history of abuse began with rather early on, but the couple formed a family and now shared four children, however the abuse continued (McNulty, 1980). The history of abuse Francine suffered from James, referenced as Mickey, Hughes was well documented with the Dansville police department, supported by witness testimony, as well as pictures. Unfortunately, there were no substantial laws in place for domestic violence and unless the police …show more content…

IPV is any form of aggression and or controlling behavior used against a current or past intimate partner of any gender, or relationship status, primarily committed by males against women. The theory is rooted in the notion that males who abuse women are adhering to societal notions that support male dominance and female subordination (Dixon & Graham-Keva, 2011). I will examine and apply these theories as to answer the question “why do victims stay in abusive relationships.” Both theories give insight and provide behavioral factors as well as characteristics of a domestic violence victim. The theories seemingly serve as a pinpointed timeline that’s reflective of the psychological journey Francine Hughes experienced. While the theories do touch on aspect of the abusers must control the woman, the theories are primarily focused on the mindset of the victim in relation to staying and or leaving the abusive …show more content…

The dynamics surrounding the decision to leave or stay, and possible consequences are very complex. There are various reasons victims may either opt to stay in an abusive relationship. Feelings of fear, shame, hopelessness, and the inability to provide for themselves are common factors. However, one of the primary reasons is some people do not realize they are victims. Quite often abusers can be very charismatic using apologies, affection, and promises to end the negative behavior to control their victims. Unfortunately, this tactic can create an emotional sense of conflict as the victim begins to reflect on the good times, while battling with the reality of the present. This type of behavior often predicates or serves as the prelude to the cycle of abuse theory, a component of the Battered Woman Syndrome; thus being the primary reason victims find it difficult to leave. In an article entitled “When Love Hurts” by Jill Cory and Karen McAndless –Davis, various facets and resulting impact of domestic violence are explored and correlated to BWS. In making the correlation between the cycle of abuse of and BWS, the cycle of abuse is the eighth component of the Battered Woman Syndrome (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2009) defined as a distinct pattern having three

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