In recent years, there has been a huge increase of zombie related media in American pop-culture. Humanity has faced numerous crises and overcome them every time. The question has arisen that if a zombie epidemic were to occur would the United States have the ability to deal with it? The answer is yes. The United States has the ability to accept, adapt, and overcome an outbreak of such proportion. The U.S. has the manpower to rival the zombies’ growing numbers. The military and medical research staff have the technology to fight the spread of infection, and science and mathematics provide additional support along with pre-designed plans to do deal with such an outbreak.
What is a zombie? Various types of zombies are found in pop-culture, but there is one that dominates the spectrum. A zombie is a reanimated body brought back to life by a virus via a bite. The virus is usually created by radioactive activity and absorbed into the initial victim known as patient zero. Patient zero will sicken, fall into a feverish state, and die after a few hours. Within minutes after death, the brain will reawaken in a primal state. In this primal mentality the newly formed zombie’s only instinct is to feed on other humans this is the only way the initial virus can spread. Humans who are attacked, bitten, but escape being a meal will instead become victim of the virus. The virus is transmitted through the bite and enters the bloodstream and incubates over a period of a few hours. At the end of the incubation period the virus kills the host and reanimates the deceased. Zombies do not feel pain nor possess emotions. Their primal brains do not have the ability to reason and are therefore hostile. The only way to kill a zombie is to destroy the brai...
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D'Arbonne, Jess. "University of Florida Leads the Way with Zombie Contingency Plan." Clarity Digital Group LLC, 16 Oct. 2009. Web. Apr. 2012. way-with-zombie-contingency-plan.
Dietle, David. "7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)." Demand Media, 7 Aug. 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. would-fail-quickly.html.
"Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 29 Apr. 2012.
Tchuenche, Jean Michel., and Christinah Chiyaka. "Chapter 4." Infectious Disease Modelling Research Progress. New York: Nova Science, 2009. 137-46. Print.
No book has captivated the zombie apocalypse better than World War Z. Max Brooks creatively presents “a worldwide zombie pandemic from outbreak to aftermath” (Boyd, Tristan). His book encompasses many social and political themes in the world today. The book reveals true fear and shows the strength of the human race.
James Parker essay “Our Zombies, Ourselves,” informs readers that the zombie has almost outranked the vampire, and why they’re so popular. This undead monster originated from a Caribbean folk nightmare and was adapted over time by, the Halperin brothers, William Seabrook and George Romero and numerous others. Much like the vampire, zombies owe their fame to the progressiveness of technology, allowing them to consistently invade various media forms. The zombie has infested countless tv shows, movies, video games, and books, throughout the 21st century. Zombies themselves are soulless corpses who were regurgitated back into the world of the living. This making them rejects from the underworld, this presents the zombie as rejected yet inexpungable. What makes the zombie so popular, however, is that symbolizes everything that is rejected by humanity. “Much can be made of him, because he makes so little of himself. He comes back, He comes back, feebly but unstoppably” (Parker). The zombie represents humanity itself as well as what is rejected by humanity. Much like individuals today, the zombie is burdened by life’s demands, converting to nothing but a rotting, groaning human shell that stumbles through life without a purpose. The zombie is symbolizer of the real world, and all things irrepressible, whereas the vampire is a symbol of an alternate world and all things
Although the zombie metaphor focuses primarily on fear involving unconscious contributors and their mission of adding to their population, the fear of governmental control and how society responds to the epidemic is also an issue that needs to be considered. In this scenario, the viral outbreak is not only a threat to individual health but also to the stability of society as a whole.
The zombie race is very different. It doesn't not have many abilities and is not advanced like humans. Their behavior patterns are different. They cannot stand cold or winter weather. Their behavior is very different and difficult to calculate. They usually stand around lingering and waiting to attack when they hear something. They follow noises.Some abilities that they do have is that they have excellent hearing and can walk but aren't blind.The also can smell human blood. Zombies are generally weak but don’t underestimate what they can do to a human.
As the infection spreads, only Israel initiates a nationwide quarantine program and closes its borders. Pakistan and Iran destroy one another in a nuclear war, after Iran attempts to stem the flow of refugees from Pakistan. The United States does little to prepare, as it is sapped of political will by several "brushfire wars" and lulled into a false sense of security by an ineffective and fraudulently marketed vaccine. When the world recognizes the true scope of the problem, a period known as the "Great Panic" begins. The United States Army sends a task force to Yonkers, New York, in a high-profile military campaign intended to restore American morale. Instead, the troops are overwhelmed and routed by the zombies, due to reliance on tactics designed for human enemies, who can be demoralized into retreat...
“Zombie killings are similar to reading and deleting 400 work e-mails on a Monday morning or filling out paperwork that only generates more paperwork, or following Twitter gossip out of obligation, or performing tedious tasks in which the only true risk is being consumed by avalanche” (41). These are all similar to zombie killings because zombies will never go away unless you turn to really harsh tactics like aiming for one’s brain with a shot gun and repeating this for every zombie you come in contact with. In order to clear those 400 emails after reading them you must repeat the steps for each and every one, which is time consuming and can be very frustrating. Completing paperwork is very tedious, and can sometimes become overwhelming you may begin to feel as if it will never end which is common well it can feel similar to that when it comes to zombie killings as well because there will be one zombie followed by another one and many more to come. “Battling zombies is like battling anything….. Or everything” (42). Never assume the war is over because it is not, there will be one or more zombies hiding out, the war is never over. “The zombies you kill today will merely be replaced by the zombies of tomorrow” (44). Zombies are a “live-stock” they are brain dead but they travel in packs and have no limit as to how far they will go. In the movie Dawn of the Dead the zombies actually
Zombies have become very popular due to their depictions of being easy to kill and being communal. Zombie apocalypses are also very relatable due to the fact that they are set in lives similar to our society and seem easy to overcome. Zombies, themselves, can be identified with because we see ourselves when we look at a zombie. Zombies drudge on through the same task of finding human flesh to consume every day just like we drag ourselves to either class or our job in order to sit through another boring lecture or perform the same menial task every day. Just like the zombie, R, in the book, Warm Bodies, said, “I am Dead, but it’s not so bad. I’ve learned to live with it,” we have learned to succumb to our daily routines and just live with
In the article, “A Zombie Manifesto: The Nonhuman Condition in the Era of Advanced Capitalism” by Sarah Juliet Lauro and Karen Embry, the authors’ evaluate the idea of the zombie and its connection to capitalism and post-humanism. According to the authors, the zombie represents much more than just a fear, it represents a loss of oneself to many different things, primarily to a capitalist society. The authors have come to the conclusion that humans have a fear of what they cannot control, and that is why the zombie is so big in entertainment. We see zombies everywhere, in movies, books, tv shows, fundraisers, marathons, and so much more. They have been around for decades, but recently they have become very popular. The authors believe this is
Zombies, as we know them today, have mortified movie viewers for the last forty six years. Modern zombies first appeared in George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in 1968. These zombies were the slow moving, staggering ghouls that one has seen in countless films, but in 1985, Return of the Living Dead featured a new kind of zombie, the first fast moving and talking ghoul. Both Night of the Living dead 1968 and Return of the Living Dead 1985 feature the zombie as its villain, but Return of the living dead’s fast moving, talking zombies are a more modern take on the movie monster.
In the field of philosophy, zombies are imaginary creatures that are used to illuminate problems regarding consciousness and its relation to the physical world. As compared to those in witchcraft or films, zombies are exactly like human beings in every physical aspect but without conscious experiences. However, zombies behave like humans and some of them even spend considerable amount of time discussing consciousness. While few people believe in the existence of zombies, many state that they are at least conceivable, and some argue that they are possible. Consequently, there are arguments that if zombies are increasingly a bare possibility, then some kind of dualism is true and physicalism is false.
The title of document 5 is ¨Pentagon document lays out battle plan against zombies.¨ The pentagon is where the U.S. military headquarters are. This shows that the government is prepared for a zombie apocalypse. The government has a document that they have ¨as a training tool used in an in-house training exercise where students learn about the basic concepts of military plans and order development¨ (document 5). This shows that The government puts military personnel through training exercises if the zombie appocalypse. Some of the parts to the training exercise include ¨ raising zombie awareness, recalling all military personnel to their duty stations, deploying reconnaissance teams to ascertain the general safety of the environment and restoring civil authority after the zombie threat has been neutralized¨ (document 5). The military even has the knowledge as to how to kill a zombie in worst case scenario ¨concentrate all firepower to the head, specifically the brain, … The only way to ensure a zombie is 'dead' is to burn the zombie corpse¨ (document 5). So, to ¨kill¨ a zombie you need to shoot out the zombie´s brains out then burn the corpse. The government really plans for the worst case scenario because there are ¨plans for how to deal with hospitals and other medical facilities infiltrated by zombies¨ (document 5). One way the government will deal with
You don’t want to die alone now do you? Grab a partner or a friend as a meat shield so you can run away while they stand there getting slaughtered. Make sure you find some shelter and a nice secure door so they won’t be able to get in because zombies love breaking the doors down. If you’ve lost your mind because you’re not smart, you might hide in a house and be scared to death. Use your brain and go out there! Your brain might not be the most powerful tool for fighting, but you might’ve been dead before you could even fight with your brain. Fight ‘till every last zombie has died or until you died because your brain probably won’t help you at all with math equations, and writing essays because that’s not the point in the zombie
Zombies. Those green, stinky, rotting bodies that trudge around and eat brains in every apocalypse movie. They are feared and despised by many, but could zombies ever be loved? In Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, a plague has infected millions of people, leaving them half-alive and half-dead and forcing the uninfected to hide. Typical zombies; biting and infecting humans, creating more zombies. The zombie protagonist, R, is not the stereotypical zombie. Unlike his friends, R has feelings and emotions and would rather be listening to music than eating flesh. He cares about others, especially Julie, a human girl that he saves and protects from being infected. At first, Julie is disgusted and confused by him, but R still falls in love and soon Julie’s harsh thoughts about R changes. Together they change the meaning of undead. They are the only hope in their dying world. In Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, also a major motion picture, the author of the book and the director of the movie incorporate many similarities and differences, through the setting, characters, and plot, that leave a big impact on the story, both good and bad.
Mass amounts of people will die, families will be separated, and peaceful ways of life will be long gone. Guard your loved ones, board up your windows and keep your gun under your pillow because you’re gonna need it. I have taught the facts, the opinions, and the theories on the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. I have explained with facts and statistics the ramifications of it if it was to happen, the way and speed at which it can spread, and the cruelty that will follow. You can protect yourself and the ones closest to you, but first you have to believe it.
In recent years, there have been a plethora of film releases that pertain to the central topic of zombies. Typically “zombies thrive in popular culture during times of recession, epidemic and general unhappiness” (Drezner). Zombie films began around the 1920’s, and continue to fill modern day theatres. These films, although dramatized for entertainment, are something that truly could, and have, occurred. These films have been modernized, in order to fit the desires and demands of a modern-day audience, and therefore are tremendously different from their original zombie-film counterparts.