Friendship In The Kite Runner

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A coin is just like friendship, hold on to it to earn its value, or spend it all and giving the value of a rusted metal. Special friendship bonds may come plenty of times in someone’s life. Additionally, specific friendships bring certain lessons that teach many people by learning from the mistakes. Likewise in the novel The Kite Runner, written by Khalid Hosseini the bond shown of Amir and Hassan’s friendship relate similarly to a coin. The friendship of both Amir and Hassan are much similar to coin since they need care and having to hold on to its value in order to gain the importance. Firstly, Amir and Hassan’s friendship is much similar to a coin because both need care to gain the importance. Amir proves by saying “The curious thing was, …show more content…

Hassan on the other hand really cares about Amir. As proven Amir says to himself, “How could I be such an open book to him when half the time I had no idea what was milling around his head?”(Hosseini 66). This had shown that Hassan knew what Amir is feeling, furthermore he cared but, moreover he is by Amir’s side no matter what position. While Amir on the other hand was jealous, he only took in consideration about what is best for him and not care about Hassan. Hassan that cares about Amir a lot that he is almost capable of reading Amir’s mind as if it were to be an open book and also since he stayed up to how Amir felt he knew what he could to keep him positive. But, Amir who was very self-centered and really didn’t care about Hassan, which has shown that he had no clue how what went on Hassan’s mind. Since Hassan never told or shown how horrible or how one sided the friendship had become. Hassan had to do double the work in this friendship to try his best to balance this friendship. Moving to a coin, it needs to be valued and not just understood as just a piece of metal. As the Columbia University Press explains “value we assign to money is determined independently of its supply and

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