French Industrial Revolution Research Paper

657 Words2 Pages

Isabella Burke
Mr. Wujek
Western Civ Honors
12 April 2018
The French Industrial Revolution
During the seventeen and eighteen hundreds, France went through some radical changes. The French Revolution completely changed its system of government, Napoleon became emperor, religion was changing, and so much more. Although France went through many transformations involving liberty and equality, perhaps the most relevant breakthrough was the industrial revolution.
England was one of the first countries to go through an industrial age. It was suited perfectly for it because it is surrounded by water, had lots of workers, and was rich with natural resources. France however, did not have the luxury of any of these things, so it was harder for them to get started. Their industrial revolution happened much after other countries in Europe. France got most of its iron and coal from Belgium which was advancing at a similar rate.
France’s modern age was sped up by ideas like colbertism. Colbertism is an economic concept created by Jean Colbert that believes in the …show more content…

Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures was founded in 1829 by president Alphonse Lavallee and his three founding associates Jean-Baptiste Dumas, Eugene Pelet, and Theodore Olivier. Some of its alumni include Norbert Rillieux who invented the multiple effect evaporator and Gustave Eiffel who designed the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty. Ecoles des Arts et Metiers was founded by Duke of La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt in 1780 making it one of France’s oldest schools. Its focus is on engineering, mechanics and industrialization so it was a perfect fit for what the government was looking for at the time. Some of their alumni are Alexandru G. Golescu, a politician, and Rene Fonck, an ace of the Allied military during World War

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