Freedom Of Expression In Canada

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The right to express yourself and form your own opinions is an essential feature of a democracy. Freedom of expression is a core part of the right to dissent and a basic feature of personal development. It is only through exposure to different ideas and opinions that each person can make their own informed choices about their core beliefs. In Canada, section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication”. Restrictions on freedom of expression come in many forms including Criminal Code and Human Rights provisions limiting hate speech, municipal by-laws that regulate signage or where protests may take place, civil defamation (libel) actions, and restrictions placed on press freedoms. With more and more communication taking place online, government restrictions on access to the internet and the content and filtering policies of private companies also place limits on free expression. CCLA works to ensure that any limits are reasonable and strictly necessary. …show more content…

Similarly, when the court system is used to silence those with unpopular views or those who oppose powerful actors, people all lose the opportunity to hear all sides of an issue and come to our own conclusions. Freedom of expression is the right to speak, but also the right to hear. Informed political debate requires that this right be strongly protected, and it is only through free expression that individuals can take action to ensure that the governing institutions are held accountable. CCLA has been a steadfast defender of free expression since its creation in 1964 and continues to work to ensure that all individuals enjoy this basic

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