Free Narrative Essays - This Girl

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This Girl

The girl slowly creeped across the floor. She had a look on her face of

love. She began to tempt me. I could not allow her to take control over me. I

could not resist. I had to let the love warm my body. I have let her take over

once again. I have lost to her kiss. The kiss that has sweetened my blood. I

absorbed her body.

I walked down the trail on a journey to find my house. I took this route

every day. I know that it will lead me back to the place that I love so much.

The place that I learn to make something of myself. This wonderful place that I

call home, gives me power. I am finally a free man. I can survive well, and I

control my everyday thing. I love living alone. I am in control. I set the rules,

I am the man of house. I rule my own country.

She tickles me with her long nails. She scratches the back of my neck oh

so gently. I get high off of this girls love so often. I met her at a symphony.

She is very popular all the puppies of my society adore her. She has seen parts

of the world that no one else has. She has been kicked out of this country many

times. The dreams I have after I sleep with this woman are so incredible that it

makes me a little crazy the next day.

Why do my parents keep bothering me? I can hold my own now. I am mature,

I am a man. I do get distracted real easily and my parents keep ruining my

distraction, I am upset because of that. I have my own apartment in Santa Cruz,

I live in a pardise. California has it all, beautiful beaches, pretty girls,

great bars, money, palm trees, and tons of smog. Can't live without it.

This girl really is a trip. All the things people have said about her

are true. I saw her at the tikki bar the other day, she was dressed in a suit

that had stars and stripes on it. She was looking fine. I asked her if she

wanted to go for a walk, she replied with a sexy, acceptance. The journey

started off heavenly. Then as always she started the tease. She stripped me down

naked. I had lost all control, I slipped out of this world and she wont let me

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