Personal Narrative: Anna As A Young Girl

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Anna As a young girl, I was never fond of the name Anna. The name came along with too much baggage.. Unknowingly, people would constantly call me the wrong name, and some people, disregarding my opinion, even created strange nicknames for me. Over the years, I have been called a variety of names including Annie, Ann, Anna, Annabelle, Anne Frank, banana, banana boat, etc. Frankly, there are just too many variations of the name “Anna”. Being an extremely common name, almost everywhere I go, whether it be school or the grocery store, I always seem to find another “Anna”. Although tells me that “Anna” means grace, it actually means unique, intelligent, and affectionate. The word “unique” is a great adjective to describe me. …show more content…

I have mood swings constantly, allowing me to go from really excited to really upset real quick. I always cry over books and movies, happy or sad. Also, other people’s feelings seem to be contagious onto me. If someone I know is sad, or in pain, or excited, I tend to feel that way to. Recently, one of my good friend’s grandpa died. She was extremely close to him and he was a big part of her life. Knowing this would be hard on her, another friend of hers and I went to see her bearing gifts and food attempting to comfort her. Although we originally went to make her feel better, in the end we all just ended up sitting on the ground crying with her for hours. I didn’t cry due to the pain I was in, but for all the pain I realized her and her family were going through. The name ‘Anna” is something I carry around with me everywhere I go. It does not mean something as plain as grace. It is so much for than that. A name is something that a person has to identify with for their whole lives. We shouldnt let define who we are. They need to decide for themselves which is why I am defining the name “Anna” as unique, intelligent, and emotional. Noone or no thing can define who you are, especially not

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