Free Healthcare In Canada

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Only 43 out of 195 countries in the world have free healthcare. Although Norway was the very first country to offer access to free healthcare, Brazil is the only country in the world that offers free healthcare to all citizens. Due to these facts, I believe that free healthcare should be universal, as it improves healthcare equality, benefits society and lowers expenses. Firstly, free healthcare should be universal due to the fact that it improves healthcare equality. Here, in Canada, everyone has free healthcare, but not everybody has that privilege in other countries. For example, in the United States, there is discrimination among African-Americans and other people of colour. According to Pew Research Center, “Less access to quality medical …show more content…

Furthermore, people are also saying that this is why Canada’s tax rate is so much higher than the U.S. In Canada, the tax rate is higher as it covers the cost of the universal healthcare system, while the U.S. does not. Although this is true, and the taxes in countries with free healthcare are higher than the U.S., it’s for a good cause- it can create a healthier society. You will be able to receive help for free and have professional help at the same time. This system is not like in the U.S, where you must pay the doctor every time you need help. Ultimately, free healthcare should be universal due to the fact that it improves healthcare equality, benefits society and lowers expenses for healthcare. If healthcare was free, then people would be treated equally, no matter their race or class. It also benefits society as a whole, due to the healthier population and the fact that people wouldn’t have to worry about money or future accidents. Even more, free healthcare lowers expenses for healthcare, which means that it’s less expensive for people in the long run, better for those who are in need, and people are able to obtain medicine easily and for a cheaper price. Do you think free healthcare should be

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