Frankenstein Research Paper

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In today's world of literature, every author is different. They write about different topics in different ways. Each author has a specific writing voice that is a reflection of who they are. This is a prime reason we become attracted to books. Another reason has to do with the structure of the said story. Many authors use different structures: poems, short stories, letters, essays, lyrical ballads, etc. It can be easily stated that one of the most interesting forms is indeed, letters. Letters are generally from a single person to another person but, when compiled together can make a compelling story. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is a prime example of how cool writing in the form of letters is.

First of all, the letter structure wasn't common for the time period. During the time when Mary Shelley wrote her story, it wasn't at all common for someone to write with this certain structure. It was much more …show more content…

The fact that this story is written in letters makes this a story to last the ages. It has spanned the test of times and will always be a great classic novel. It might even be the scariest story ever written. The thought, at the time, of an evil doctor creating life not only scared the bejesus out of people but it challenged religion. It made people think about who was to blame, the creation....or the creator. For the most part this was unheard of at the time. Christian readers would heavily discourage this book because it was said to make people atheist. Yet at the heart and soul of this incredibly deep story, are these letters. They create an incredible suspense of the book as well as creating an extremely easy to see timeline. The letters are what separate this story from others because not only was it written in a unique fashion, but it was written well and by a female. Every letter makes the reader a little bit more into the story and thus sinking the hook a little bit

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