Frankenstein Monstrosity Essay

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In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley a common theme is monstrosity that appears to be indisputable in both Victor and the creature yet the author’s intentions still stay secluded. By expressing the message that monstrosity is not a fundamental characteristic, but instead one that was created due to merciless revenge, lengthen isolation, and threatening want of knowledge. Mary Shelley uses the approach of monstrosity as a guide advise that going against the realm of God should not be challenged.
When the characters show their naughty desires, the reader can tell that they have become anxious of other parts of life such as love and accompaniment. Instead, Frankenstein and the creature are happy enough to show their hatred towards each …show more content…

Loneliness creates the two individuals’ reckless doings even though they are both already annoyed by revenge to delight in any action in harming others, this further forms them into monsters who live to destroy everything they touch. It is easy to believe that the monstrosity inside Frankenstein is exceptional as is his isolation chosen. Shelley’s significant message that monstrosity is captured and is not from inheritance, is already illustrated by separation that provokes further monstrosity. From being isolated from the rest of the world, Frankenstein and the creature have not found the guidance in their life from the help of others who would of helped them from going down a destructive path in life. Frankenstein’s creation of the monster and isolation is a result from his discontent he possesses, the novel portrays to readers that a man’s imprudent challenge to God is an effect of monstrosity being provoked by detachment. Frankenstein became so consumed in being acknowledged by others beyond the expectations of society, Frankenstein is illustrated as a maniac. Nevertheless, ambition to be recognized is often known to be a characteristic that is appreciated. Shelley uses Frankenstein as a lesson to be learned that ambitious curiosity only leaved monstrosity behind. Frankenstein continues to show a pattern of behavior that would depict his continuing eagerness to learn the laws of science, within time he evolves and the monster inside Frankenstein continuously grew bigger from his persistent interest that took over his life. The growing monstrosity inside Frankenstein led him to a path of demolition, this is a result of Victor Frankenstein craving the attention from others that challenged natural order where life was created from lifeless

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