Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

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America was born and survived, its rough road into a nation, through a series of events, or moments in history. The founding brother’s book is about a few important figures during and after the American Revolution. These important figures consisted of Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, John Adams, George Washington, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson. Each of these men, contributed to the building of America in one way or another. The book breaks these contributions into a few short stories, to help understand what these important figures did.

In order for someone to understand what lesson Joseph Ellis was trying to teach, one must first come to an understanding of these five short stories. The first story to review and understand is called the duel. The duel is one of the most historical conflicts in history. The duel actually came to be from years of personal and political resentment, between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. These two men really hit high tensions during the New York gubernatorial race. Due to Burr Being a candidate for this race, and due to the duel taking place during the time dueling was becoming outlawed, the duel had a vast political ramification. With the duel going badly and Alexander Hamilton Dying, Burr under New York and New Jersey stature was charged, but all charges were later dismissed, bringing Burrs career to an end. One can conclude that the significance regarding the duel is how violence during the beginning of American statehood, was highly politically based. What really makes the duel uniquely important is the fact or trend after a revolution for revolutionaries to turn on one another in an unavoidable bloodbath. Ellis seems to side more with Hamilton and make him look like a saint.


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...esidential power. Also the address helps America to stay neutral in any foreign wars, giving America time to build and prosper. It is an important piece of history that helped to shape the current government of today, and most of America’s foreign policies and relations. So out of all the stories one would find this to be the most important, and possibly read it again.

In conclusion, the founding brother’s book is a unique set of short stories. The stories show and explain important parts of American history. Also the stories focused mainly on the founders of America like, Thomas Jefferson. Over all after one has read and come to an understanding of these stories, one can come to the conclusion that the author was leaning toward Hamilton. Also that through trust, hard work, and dedication these men build up an amazing country, that has become a world power today.

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