Foreshadowing In The Sixth Sense

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There are large amounts of foreshadowing in the film The Sixth Sense. Some people might only catch a few. Some of the examples are very quick and harder to be seen if you aren’t paying close attention. There is also a big plot twist at the end that all the foreshadowing leads up to. The three main foreshadowing points involves Coles hospital visit, Malcolm's anniversary, and Malcolm's wife. The first foreshadowing point that really stood out to me was when Cole was in the hospital and Malcolm had come to tell him a story. After the story Cole tells Malcolm he wants to share his secret with him. Cole then states that he can see dead people and they do not know they are dead. I don’t think Malcolm knew what to think at the moment. I think he was confused and concerned for Cole's mental health. Malcolm thought cole was basically just crazy. The director misled the viewer by making them think Malcolm was still just Cole’s doctor. Then throughout the movie you see Malcolm just about everywhere that Cole is. Which was suspicious to me. …show more content…

Malcolm shows up late. He sits down and apologizes and his wife doesn’t even glance at him. She doesn’t talk to him. It is almost as if she has no knowledge that he is even there. The server brings the bill and as Malcolm goes to reach for it his wife grabs it and pays. Then before she goes to get up and leave she whispers “Happy anniversary Malcolm”. The director makes the viewer think Malcolm wife is just mad and upset that he had shown up late which is misleading. This was one of the biggest foreshadowing scenes in the movie that hints at the plot twist at the

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