“For better or worst a Social worker interventions''

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In “Social Work In the City: Rewards And Risks,” Monte Williams discussed the issues college students looked, at as social workers when they came across violent human behavior. The author stated, '' They said it was consistent with a social worker's outlook on violence – to always try to understand its roots” (p.1). The author discussed how the communication between individuals in social workers is important because the social work and social workers mindset can be the key to reduces dysfunctional actions. Unfortunately for social worker Tiffany F. Goldberg, who was assaulted by an unknown man in New York city, Williams believed her situation could have been avoided. As he stated '' If society provided the resources people need” (p.1) that is social order, treatment could have been given to those troubled assailants earlier on, and there could have been fewer violent risk to face.
The author stated,'' New York city is one of the world's great social work laboratories --full of poor, troubled people, children at risk and marriages coming apart''(p.1) therefore the author thinks it would be an important place for social workers to practices their skills. Some social workers looked at assailants as if they had a troubled childhoods, that could have caused their bad behaviors. Other then society blaming individuals for their actions, according to a student Mr. Miller who stated '' Violence is inter generation-ally transmitted” (p.1). The author thinks Social workers can help fix this issues with counseling, in which inter-generational conflict is a struggle between family members and theirs families to meet the needs of each other in communicate.stresses and disagreements between . The author states that the communication betwe...

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...e taking up a lot of time in the social worker's life as well. Cawood discussed that t

Is society so dysfunctional that the idea of a perfect human being can, not be developed opposed to their up bringing and living environments? Both articles “Social Work In the City: Rewards And Risks,'' by Monte Williams and “Violent Events: School Social Workers' Perception and Response,” by Natalie Diane Cawood are significant /relevant to my searching question because each one discussed the importance an advantages of, why and how having social workers help implicate mentally disordered people, can help better the society. Although the roles of each Social worker in both articles encounter with perils in different environments, both authors were able to describe the creative strategics social workers used to reduce these issues in human behavior.

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