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Why food safety is important
Why food safety is important
Safety and sanitation in the kitchen
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Food poisoning is a condition that results from eating contaminated food. It is also referred to as food-borne illness. These may attack people from any age group and lasts from few hours to several days. Food poisoning in severe case may cause chronic and fatal disease like arthritis and can attack lungs and kidneys.
According to the recent studies around 76 million illness i.e. 325,000 hospitalization in the United States are caused because of food poisoning.
Causes of Food Poisoning
Contamination of food is the key factor that is responsible for food poisoning. These can happen anywhere be it restaurants, picnics and even at home when foods are prepared in unhygienic places and in an unhygienic manner. The causes of food poisoning can be broadly divided into two categories:
• Infectious agents
Viruses, bacteria and parasites fall in this category.
• Toxic agents
This comprises of pesticides on vegetables and fruits, poisonous mushrooms and also improper way of preparing exotic foods like barracuda.
Symptoms of food poisoning
Depending on the source of contamination, the symptoms and signs may differ. However, the common symptoms and signs are listed below:
• Nausea
• Watery diarrhea
• Vomiting
• Stomach pains
• Abdominal cramps
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Fever
The symptoms may arise after consuming the contaminated food or may begin few days later. These symptoms may last from just one day to a week or more.
Tests for food poisoning
The diagnose are carried out based on history which may include the duration of sickness, the characteristics of the sickness and the specific types of food that have been eaten. Some physical exam can also be performed to look for signs and symptoms of dehydrat...
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Home Remedies for Food Poisoning using fruit juice and bread
• Flushing out the system as soon as possible is one of the best home remedies for food poisoning. This can be done by drinking some fresh fruit juice that is rich in potassium and add a little honey to the juice or you can also go for corn syrup. Add a pinch of salt for taste. This juice will not only flush the system but also helps retaining the important electrolysis in the body.
• Bread is also highly beneficial for food poisoning as it will help soaking the poison from the body and give some instant relief.
Apart from all the home remedies for food poisoning mentioned in the above article, follow some simple tips like cooking the food properly at high temperature, maintaining a good personal hygiene, keeping the kitchen area clean and tidy will all help preventing food poisoning.
Symptoms, which include diarrhea and abdominal pain, usually begin two to eight days after a person has been exposed to the bacteria and resolve within a week.
American society has grown so accustomed to receiving their food right away and in large quantities. Only in the past few decades has factory farming come into existence that has made consuming food a non guilt-free action. What originally was a hamburger with slaughtered cow meat is now slaughtered cow meat that’s filled with harmful chemicals. Not only that, the corn that that cow was fed with is also filled with chemicals to make them grow at a faster rate to get that hamburger on a dinner plate as quickly as possible. Bryan Walsh, a staff writer for Time Magazine specializing in environmental issues discusses in his article “America’s Food Crisis” how our food is not only bad for us but dangerous as well. The word dangerous could apply to many different things though. Our food is dangerous to the consumer, the workers and farmers, the animals and the environment. Walsh gives examples of each of these in his article that leads back to the main point of how dangerous the food we are consuming every day really is. He goes into detail on each of them but focuses his information on the consumer.
Food-borne botulism was the first form of the botulism toxin to be identified. It has a very high morbidity with prolonged intensive health care required for a full recovery (Taillac, & Kim, 2010). Also, people who have been infected with food-borne botulism can sometimes have muscle weakness or other similar issues for up to a year after the first onset of symptoms. Food-borne botulism is typically caused by improperly canned food. The symptoms of food-borne botulism include, but are not limited to: double vision...
E. Coli and other foodborne illnesses are something that should be of major concern to everybody, becasue nobody is safe from it. It is not something that can be prevented or
Diseases: The most common health concern associated with S. aureus is food poisoning caused by the release of enterotoxins, even in small doses, into food. Release of less than 1 microgram of toxin is sufficient to contaminate food enough to illicit symptoms of food poisoning. The infective dose of toxin is generally present when food is contaminated with an excess of 100,000 bacteria per gram of food. The intensity and variety of symptoms resulting from S. aureus food poisoning differ from individual to individual, but some of the most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and prostration (complete physical or mental exhaustion). It usually takes 2 or 3 days to recover from S. aureus food poisoning, but in some instances individuals will require more time to fully recover.
In 1997, approximately 35 million pounds of ground beef was recalled by Hudson Foods because a strain of E. Coli was found in the food. However, by the time the beef was recalled, 25 million pounds had already been eaten. Schlosser notes that the nature of food poisoning is changing. Prior to the rise of large meatpacking plants, people would become ill from bad food in small, localized arenas. Now, because meat is distributed all over the nation, an outbreak of food poisoning in one town may indicate a nationwide epidemic.
Salmonella is one of the most common causes of food poisoning. It is a gram-negative, aerobic (oxygen requiring), rod-shaped bacterium that can infect humans, birds, reptiles, and other animals. It results in the swelling of the lining of the stomach and intestines. Salmonella food poisoning occurs worldwide, however it is most frequently reported in North America and Europe. In the United States, Salmonella is responsible for about 15% of all cases of food poisoning (Salmonella food poisoning).
...ortation of plants, fruits, vegetables, and animals. Indiscriminate pesticide use kills the good with the bad. Long term and wide spread pesticide use poisons underground water sources, which, in turn, poison plants, animals, and humans. And, finally, by our uninformed actions, new super races of pests continue to evolve and create even greater dangers than the original.
Many people all around the world and especially in the United States are paying money to poison their own bodies. Fast food is a major problem in the United States. Many people are attracted to fast food restaurants because of their low prices, but fast food is the cause of many health issues and is the main reason for the growing population of obese individuals in America. Although fast food can be a good option for a quick and cheap meal, fast food is very bad for the human body because it is full of questionable ingredients and can cause obesity, heart disease and raise cholesterol.
Many consumers and farmers have discovered that living in an industrialized culture where the focus has become faster, bigger, and cheaper is not the best way to produce our food. Obsessed with productivity, the agriculture industry is reaping the negative consequences of creating an unsustainable environment for food production. Time and time again, the media captures stories regarding deadly bacterial contamination and dangerous pesticide contamination causing illness and death in our communities. The environment is also damaged and contaminated. This devastating trend, due to irresponsible farming practices as a result of the industrialization of the food industry, has become all too common.
Weisburger, John. Hazards of Fast Food. Environmental Health Perspectives. 112.6 (2004) A336 1 Oct. 2007. < http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0091-6765%28200405%29112%3A6% 3CA336%3AHOFF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-7 >.
Food borne illnesses are caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. There are many different disease-causing microbes, or pathogens. In addition, poisonous chemicals, or other harmful substances can cause food borne illnesses if they are present in food. More than two hundred and fifty different food borne illnesses have been described; almost all of these illnesses are infections. They are caused by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be food borne. (Center 1)
The third weakness is the fact that food tests, inspections, and the detection of contaminants are taken seriously only after an outbreak of some food-borne diseases, food poisoning, or deaths. The increase in the number of food establishments or outlets such as cold stores, hypermarkets, and supermarkets reported by the Public Health Director has also made inspection and control mo...
The patient has experienced fever, chills on body, headaches and anorexia as well as sweating especially during the night. The patient has also been feeling fatigued, muscle aches and nausea as well as vomiting especially after eating (WHO, 2010, p. 117). These symptoms started forty eight hours ago, and the patient has not taken any medication except for some aspirin.
Fortunately, most forms of food poisoning last only a short time - between one and three days. However, you may feel sick for as long as seven or more days; and in extreme cases the symptoms can be fatal.