Food Pantry Paper

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In order for agencies to decide whether there is a need for a food pantry, one must undergo a food insecurity exam. A Core Food Security Module (CFSM), which is an 18 question survey for families in a set community, uses questions that are driven based upon the lack of food security within their household (Gundersen, Kreider, & Pepper, 2011). There are two forms of this survey, one is for families and the other is for single individuals. This CFSM model is designed to determine the severity levels of food insecurity in a community. Once the results are in, the next step is to find avenues of funding to help with the presenting problem. The posing question to this social issue, is whether food panties are effective in these communities, …show more content…

Food panties experience a flow of different clients daily. Some in which that return on a weekly or monthly bases and others that does a one shop stop. A result of this problem, is the cause of lack of accurate research being done to determine whether clients has risen above the poverty line due to the assistant they are receiving. As others have noted, there is a gap in information about the effectiveness of nutrition interventions in food pantry settings as well. (Handforth, Hennink, & Schwartz, 2013) Across the border of food panties the main gap in its research is refining and measuring food panties outcomes both success and cost effectiveness. Additionally, the cost effectiveness is essential to knowing whether the money being allocated for food to be dispersed in the community is bridging the poverty gap. Johnson (2012) from the Institute of Medicine realized there is a research gap in the refinement of outcome measures for interventions to demonstrate cost effectiveness and improved quality of life. There is a significant lack of data not available to food pantries. Many food panties only require clients to state their name in household income, outside of that information there is no additional report ask from the clients. When researchers do their studies on these components it is offend difficult to have client participate. Researchers has found, even with surveys that have been given to an estimate of 200 people, there were many surveys with questions unanswered. Furthermore, with this issue, the date that has been collected, is no longer valid or counts in the overall final data analysis because it is not accurate (Hallett, 2016). Lastly, marketing research is another significant gap identified by volunteers and staff among food panties.

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