Food Insecurity In Canada

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Food insecurity is when someone has no reliable access to food in quantity and nutrition. It affects millions of people worldwide. It can be classified into 3 categories by the government of Canada. Marginal food insecurity occurs when you are concerned about running out of food or being limited due to a lack of money. Moderate food insecurity occurs when the quality and/or quantity of food has decreased in a household. Severe food insecurity occurs when you do not have enough food to eat. Food insecurity can affect anybody at any time. According to Statistics Canada, a survey conducted in 2022, the people who were the most vulnerable to food insecurity were single parents, indigenous and racialized families who are described as visible minorities …show more content…

One big reason is the financial situation and employment status of households. When families have a limited income and unstable, low-paying jobs or are unemployed, it's hard to afford food, especially if families have a single parent. Additionally, indigenous and racialized families face higher rates of food insecurity because of inequalities like discrimination. Geographic location can also impact food insecurity, as some areas have limited access to many stores, high food prices and less access to food assistance programs. Household food insecurity can lead to many serious health problems. Having a poor diet can lead to problems like diabetes, but also issues beyond nutrition. People in food-insecure homes face higher risks of infectious diseases, dental problems, injuries, and various chronic conditions. There have been many attempts to address food insecurity by the Government of Canada. Some key attempt is the Local Food Infrastructure Fund, which has committed $56.1 million to support 900 growth-generating food security projects across Canada since its launch on August 2, 2019, and an article talking about the Government of Canada implementing $100 million in Added support to food security organizations during the COVID-19

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