Food Insecurity In Australia

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The motive of this report is to investigate and examine food insecurity and what are the main cause of it. The report will analyse the food security status in a country located in South Asia which is Afghanistan and how it compares to Australia. With a population of around 33,000,000, Afghanistan ranks #15 most populated countries in Asia. However Australia has a population of around 24,000,000.
Poverty is the state of being extremely poor and not having enough money to purchase basic material such as food, clothing and shelter. Around 80% of humans live on less than $10 a day! A little over 80% of the world population live in countries where income differentials are expand. The 40% of the world’s population which are the poorest …show more content…

Food security has 3 main elements: arability – (being able to supply and trade food, and having good quantity and quality of foods. Access – (economic and physical access to food. And lastly utilisation – (food that a person consumed must have a nutritious impact to the body.
Food insecurity is basically the opposite of food security. The access to sufficient. Safe and nutritious food is heavily limited. Like food security, food insecurity has 3 main elements. Arability – (knowing the location to buy food and within store. Access – (the captivity to buy and transport foods, and lastly utilisation – (the inappropriate use of food – (unhealthy, poor nutritional values. And having missed …show more content…

Other main exports include carpets, fresh fruit, wool, and cotton. However in exchange Afghanistan imports goods such as food, motor vehicles, petroleum products, and textiles.
Assistance provided to Afghanistan
Millions of Afghans still live in severe poverty with a crumbling infrastructure and a landscape that is suffering from environmental damages. Around one-third of Afghanistan's people are food-insecure. As a result the World Food Programme (WFP) has provided several serves in order to assist in resolving one of the most concerning issue in Afghanistan which is food insecurity. Some of these services include school meals and food for training. In 2015, WFP gave more than 260,000 students a take-home ration of vegetable oil as an incentive for their families to send them to school. Meanwhile, food for training helps vulnerable people acquire new, marketable skills so they can earn a better living. In 2015, WFP provided more than 10,000 people – mostly women – with food rations and electronic vouchers to support their families while participants attended classes in literacy, handicraft production, carpentry, plumbing skills, reproductive health or

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