Flowers For Algernon Quote Analysis

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Societal Pressure: Fitting in Simon Sinek, an English author, once said ,“The most basic human desire is to feel like you belong. Fitting in is important.” This quote explains how everyone always wants to belong somewhere. In the texts Flowers to Algernon, Honor to Us All, and Ponies this quote is proved to be true. Three characters display different ways of fitting in, due to pressure from society. They will also find out the consequences or benefits of wanting to fit in. The three authors creatively portray the same message, throughout the texts. An examination of Flowers for Algernon, Honor to Us All, and Ponies reveals how societal pressure causes people to want to fit in. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon is made intelligent in order …show more content…

This reveals women are only supposed to get married and bear children, after being “chosen” by a man. “Wait and see, when we’re through boys will gladly go to war for you”, women dressing up Mulan sings. The quote shows that once Mulan becomes prettier boys will want to fight for her. This shows that if she wasn’t pretty, then boys wouldn’t care for her, but only for the other girls. “Ancestors hear my plea, help me not to make a fool of me…” sings Mulan. Mulan wants her ancestors to help her bring honor to the family and to them. Apparently, the only way a girl can make her family proud is to marry into a wealthy family. Therefore, societal pressure forces Mulan to become a doll so a man can fight for her and win her like a …show more content…

In this story, Johnson portrays that having a voice is more important than horn and wings;ways of defense. Sunny exclaims, “I can’t wait to have friends!”.... Barbara says, “Do you know what you want to keep?” Sunny is very excited to make friends and Barbara is asking her which one of three things she wants to keep; her horn, wings, or voice. This shows how in order for both of them to have friends and to fit in Sunny has to give two things up. Later, …. TopGirl says, “That’s what you do to be one of us. But the Ponies pick their own friends. And that costs too.” TopGirl reveals that in order for the ponies to be friends with Sunny she has to give up horn, wings, and voice. This seems harsh because the ponies first give up their ways of defense and their voice so they can be like everyone else. Societal pressure can be overwhelming and you can lose your way of defending yourself just to fit

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