Florence Travel Guide: Florence Tourism Guide

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Florence tourism- Overview:

Tagline: Seize the opportunity to see an array of the world's best attractions all in one place.

Title: Florence tourism | Florence travel guide | Tourism in Florence | Florence tour guide

Description: Visit Florence to enjoy its culture to the closest. With the help of a Florence tour guide, you can interact with the people around there and enjoy every bit of your tour.


Heading: Florence Tourism

Supporting text: A guide to teach you all about Florence and variety of stunning things to do there.

The Florence tourism gives you a taste of culture, art, and monuments. It's a great destination both for the young and old. The city is also home to an abundance of museums and art galleries including the …show more content…

It has 414 steps and from the top, you can get a nice shot of the city. Housed inside the tower are sculptures and also 16 life-size replicas of the original statues created by artists including Andrea Pisano and Donatello.

• The Ponte Vecchio
This popular bridge was Florence's first bridge across the Arno River. Others built after The Ponte Vecchio were destroyed in World War II. Atop the bridge, you get great views of Arno River and you can get ornaments while you are there since the sides, you have shops selling gold and silver jewels.

Tips on exploring Florence
Florence is a must see city, if you are an art and architecture person. But while being there take care of the tips mentioned below: -
• Avoid going to Florence during the summer; this time is so hot. You would be sweaty and cranky, especially if you are not used to it.
• Go on a one-day trip to Siena, Pisa, St Gimignance, etc. This is a great way to see all three of these amazing places in one quick trip.
• Do not miss out on the Tusan Country Side, there are loads of tour to Tusan. During the tour, stay at the Mulins Di Frenze hotel, this is probably the nicest hotel anyone can experience in Europe.

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