Firoozeh Dumas The F Word Essay

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In American society the “F” word has been deemed a cuss word, a dirty word. It’s a simple, four letter word that shouldn’t be used. In Firoozeh Dumas’s essay, “The ‘F Word’”, she gives a new light to a different “F” word with the same context in our culture today with the help of her Iranian background. Firoozeh Dumas criticises the American ability to adapt to different and unfamiliar cultures through humor, empathy, and metaphors. She begins by drawing people to read her essay merely with her title, “The ‘F Word’”, and its implied meaning that comes to most people’s minds at first glance. It brings humor that draws in people, namely close minded Americans, who wouldn’t originally be open to learning an opposing side to something they strongly believe in. Then she starts by using “F” names such as “Farbod… kids called him ‘farthead,’” and “Farshid… became ‘Fartshit’” (Dumas para 1) to develop the idea of new “F”words. The simple beginning gets readers laughing and eases them into the subject without proclaiming her argument …show more content…

She uses her friend’s name, Neggar, to invoke feelings of sympathy by relating her issue to a derogatory name from African Americans, who had their own problems in gaining acceptance in American culture. The alternative meanings bring up the deep rooted American issue of bullying, allowing Dumas’s argument about American acceptance to be sympathized with rather than being branded an unimportant issue that goes unrecognized by most American’s as an non-issue compared to other problems going on in our nation that make the front pages of newspapers. Using sympathy to connect her argument to other emotional topics allows her to rally support from unsuspecting

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