Finding Nemo Poem Analysis

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Thesis: The Pixar Movie Finding Nemo and Whitman’s poem Out of The Rolling Ocean
The Crowd use ocean imagery to suggest both a separation and a union, seemingly contradictory ideas which prove that shared bonds transcend physical space.
The movie Finding Nemo proves that no matter the distance from someone you love, even if separated by the ocean, you're still connected to them and you’ll always find your way back. Marlins life is dominated by the traumatic loss of his wife and soon to be born kids when a barracuda attacks them and leaves only one egg, Nemo. Marlin is a loving father and is very over protective and worrisome over him.
MARLIN: I promise, I will never let anything happen to you...Nemo. (Finding DVD)
Nemo who has not …show more content…

The speaker in the poem wishes to be with his lover, and talks about how he travels a long way to look for her. Love is so strong and gives many of us so much hope and faith that sometimes it leads us to do incredible things. “For I could not die till I once look’d on you” (Whitman 137). The speaker portrays his love by saying that not even death would be an obstacle that could prevent him from seeing her. Just like Marlin, the speaker misses his lover, and is connected to her. “I too am part of that ocean, my love, we are not so much separated, Behold the great rondure, the cohesion of all, how perfect!” (Whitman 137). No matter how vast the ocean may be he knows his love for her is too strong, therefore he is not so separate from her. He mentions how he thinks it is so perfect that the great rondure and the cohesion of all basically unites him with her because as big as the ocean may be it is all connected in some way or form. Although he knows they are separate, he also know that the sea can’t drive him apart from her forever. “Know you I salute the air, the ocean and the land, Every day at sundown for your dear sake, my love” (Waltman 137). What the speaker tries to say is that he will wait for her, but for the meanwhile he’ll salute everything that has to do with nature because that is something that they both can relate

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