R. C. 5.1 Science/Sensory Activity For Toddlers

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R.C. 5.1 Science/Sensory (Toddler) Activity: “Fossil Finding” Materials: Water table, dirt, fossil rocks, regular rocks, toy bugs, sifter, large magnifying glass, and digging tools. The goal for this activity would be to help toddlers learn how to explore, discover, and investigate physical properties of the earth. There would be a water table filled with dirt along with fossil rocks, regular rocks, and toy bugs. The toddlers would be allowed to take turns digging and sifting through the dirt looking for the fossil rocks. This gives them a spectacular opportunity to use fine motor skills and use their developing social skills. While they dig in the dirt the teacher would ask questions like “How does the dirt feel?” and “How many bugs can you find?”. “Finding Fossils” is a great activity for toddlers because they it will help build their social skills by letting them interact with other toddlers, it will help them build their fine motor skills when they use the digging tools, and it helps give them get a sense of the environment by letting them explore different concepts of the earth. R.C. 5.2 Language and Literacy (Young Infants) Activity: “Mirror Talk” Materials: Shatterproof mirror, bumbo floor seat, …show more content…

To get the infant to do this he/she would need to be placed in a boppy or a bumbo. The infant would then need to be seated in front of a shatterproof mirror. The teacher would have to coax the infant into looking in the mirror by tapping on it or rattling a toy next to it. This process would get the infant to look at him/herself in the mirror. Typically, this would cause the infant to smile and “talk” to their self. The teacher would continue to talk to the infant by mimicking the noises the infant makes such as “ahh”, “ee”, and “oo”. This is a great activity for young infants by allowing them to find their voices and helping them develop their language skills early on in

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