Financial Literacy Peer Pilot Proposal: A Case Study

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Financial Literacy Peer Ambassadors Pilot Proposal
The Case
City Colleges of Chicago has been offering Federal Direct loans at all seven colleges since 2010. The program has rapidly grown from 763 students in repayment for cohort 2010 to more than 4,200 students in repayment for cohort 2014.
Along with that growth, CCC’s federally calculated Cohort Default Rate (CDR) has risen at alarming levels – particularly on our campuses with the highest number of borrowers. In just two years, Kennedy King’s CDR has grown from 16% for the 2011 cohort to 26% for the 2013 cohort. Note: French Pastry is currently part of Kennedy King’s rate calculation; however, when excluded, Kennedy King’s rate is at an even more distressing rate of 28%. The major concern with our upward trending CDR is that federal sanctions are imposed on schools with default rates of > 30% for three consecutive years, or 40% for one year. Sanctions may include elimination from the lending program as well as removal from all Title IV Programs. Taking action now will help lower default rates, decrease loan borrowings, and increase student success rates, such as program completion and transfer into 4yr colleges.
The Program …show more content…

We discovered a promising practice in Valencia College’s Financial Learning Ambassador (FLA) Program, which uses Valencia students to provide peer-to-peer mentoring, workshops, and interactive events around financial literacy topics. The students have been an effective tool in reaching their peers and have in-turn benefited by gaining confidence, financial literacy knowledge, and marketable job

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