Armadillo En dybdeborende dokumentar eller et opsat skuespil? Indledning: I februar 2009 ankom en gruppe danske soldater ledsaget af filmskaber Janus Metz til Armadillo. Armadillo er en base i Helmand provinsen i Afghanistan. Janus Metz og kameramanden Lars Skree tilbragte seks måneder af deres liv med unge danske soldater, hvor de lå mindre end en kilometer fra Talebans stillinger. Resultatet af deres arbejde er en gribende og meget autentisk film, som i 2010 blev tildelt publikumsprisen til Cannes filmfestival. Men filmen startede også stor debat i Danmark om den kontroversielle opførsel af nogle af de danske soldater i en shootout med Taleban-krigere. Janus Metz og hans kameramand risikere gang på gang deres liv for at filme de danske soldaters hverdag. …show more content…
Hun synes ikke det er noget eventyr de unge soldater skal ned til, men hun tror også at de nok skal komme på bedre tanker. Soldaternes konflikt er at uddrive talibanerne, men det er ikke hvad der lægges vægt på i Armadillo. Man ser kun konflikter fra “vores” side, man ser ikke noget fra talibans synsvinkel. Men er der nogen løsning på alt den konflikt? Hvis man ser det fra danskernes synspunkt, ville en løsning være at taliban trak sig tilbage i krigen, så de danske soldater kunne komme hjem til deres pårørende. Memoria: På hvilken måde forbinder vi Armadillo til virkeligheden? Vi forbinder Armadillo til virkeligheden ved at der tale om danske soldater i filmen, det er en krig som påvirker vores land på mange måder, alle kender til denne krig mod taliban. Hvilke erindringer og tanker sætter filmen i gang? Filmen satte for mig gang i en masse følelser, jeg synes det var hårdt at se unge danske drenge forlade deres kære for at tage i en krig som lå så fjernt. Man tænker straks på deres pårørende, om hvilke helvede de må gå igennem med alt den tvivl. Hvordan relaterer filmen til seernes hverdag, og er der en primær målgruppe for
I chose to view the movie Lion, a movie based on the book A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley. This movie is about a five-year-old boy, Saroo, living in a poor, rural area in India. Saroo convinces his older brother Guddu, to let him tag along and find work in a nearby city. Saroo ends up trapped and alone in a decommissioned passenger train that takes him to Calcutta, over 1,000 miles away from his home.
This book is a very important primary source for historians because it contains the only primary source concerning the Vikings before they converted to Islam, and many other accounts of important information including Viking raids. The book shows how the Eastern Vikings lived and how the Muslim world interacted with them. It also gives insight into the state of Islam in the tenth through twelfth century. Almost all of the information is this book is relevant to historians and the eye witness accounts are very useful concerning the people and places in this time period.
The purpose with this paper is to study and compare two different directors, and to compare and contrast the two different works. How are they working with their movies and how do they use mise-en-scene? By studying two different directors that uses different techniques when making movies, we are going to find out how important mise en scene really is, and how it affects the movie.
Tommy Wirkola (geboren 6 december 1979 Alta , Noorwegen) is een Noorse film regisseur, producent en scenarioschrijver van de Finse Sami erfgoed.De eerste film van Wirkola was in 2007 “Kill Buljo” dat hij samen schreef met Stig Frode Henriksen. Ze maakten later in 2009 een horror komedie “Dead snow” en vervolgens in 2010 “Kurt Josef Wagle and the Legend of the Fjord Witch”.Zijn eerste big-budget film was “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters” ., die mede door Dante Harper werd geschreven en uitgebracht in 2013
The title "Viking" includes a wide description of Nordic people; Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians, who lived during a period of
In her thesis Drumova attempts sociology of literature concerning in comparative study between novel and film. As a result of the analysis of the topics a parallel emerges between the subjects that have been preoccupations of the Victorian society (conveyed in the novel) and
SADOUL, Georges. Dějiny světového filmu : od Lumiera až do současné doby. Vyd. 2. Praha : Orbis, 1963. s.156.
Postmodernism is a vague term that can describe a variety of disciplines that include, architecture, art, music, film, fashion, literature…etc. (Klages). In the case of “Videotape”, postmodern literature would be the main focus or area of study. This type of literature emerged in the era that succeeded World War II and relies heavily on the use of techniques such as, fragmentation, the creation of paradoxes, and questionable protagonists. Furthermore, postmodern literature also exudes ambiguity and critical thinking where the focus is mainly on the reader and his/her experience of the work rather than the content and form. Building upon that, the selected passag...
Solhaug, Trond. Utdanning Til Demokratisk Medborgerskap. 2nd ed. Vol. 9. Oslo: Universitet I Oslo, 2003. 267-79. History Reference Online. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.
In the middle of the 19th century when Norway, needed to have a new written language of it’s own, after being under Danish rule. The process of getting this new Norwegian written language, was not straightforward, as not one way of doing was agreed on. There were two rivaling ways of getting the new Norwegian written language. One was to adopt a newly created language based upon the older dialects, that reassembled old norse the most. This approach was founded by Ivar Aasen. The other approach was to use the dano-norwegian that a lot of people already used, and standardize it a gradually changing the danish words into Norwegian. This idea was founded by Knud knudsen, and is what lead to bokmål. These two different approaches battled in what later was known as the language conflict of Norway.
The expressionist movement in German art and cinema was very sensitive to the current state of the country after a huge worldwide conflict. Prior to the rise of the next Nazi Regime, German filmmakers incorporated many aspects to their films that had never been used together before this period of time. M is no exception to
The introduction of films began in the early era of 1920s and since then technology in many forms as such Televisions which featured documentary and made films more popular with in audiences, according to commentators it is said that film has become the most global and popular seen and followed form of culture. (Shiel, 2001; Urry & Larsen, 2011). Furthermore in late 1960s cinemas and theaters were popular among people also due to entertainment and transformation of different cultures, it has since then captured a large number of tourists. Today that trend has changed into television viewing, which is hence said it is the major leisure activity among people. In addition to that seeing films...
...tersom frigjøring har vært en viktig side ved flere av filosofenes virksomhet, noe som gjenspeiler seg i Beauvoir sin filosofi og syn på kjønn ved at dersom kvinner frigjøres vil menn også bli frigjort.
Maar de doorslag kwam na het zien van de door Quinten Tarantino geregisseerde film: Django Unchained. De film ging over het leven als een slaaf in de 18e en 19e eeuw en dat verhaal sprak mij heel erg aan om de manier waarop mensen van donkere huidskleur werden behandeld. Ik wist verder weinig van dit onderwerp af omdat dit ook een gevoelig onderwerp is voor sommige mensen en er zodoende niet veel over gesproken werd en word. Ook Nederland heeft in de slavernij een grote rol gespeeld. Een rol die tot de dag van vandaag het l...
Turan, K. (2002) Sundance to Sarayevo, Film Festivals and the World They Made, London: University of California Press.