Figurative Language In The Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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“The Yellow Wallpaper” was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Gilman was born on 1860 and die in 1935. This story was illustrated on l892. “The Yellow Wallpaper” took place in a colonial mansion which look like hunted house according to the Jennie. Inside the mansion there was all kind of things that made the mansion look like it was used for mental health. Jennie husband john didn’t let her out the house. Time pass by and she became crazy and started saying she was the lady in the yellow wallpaper. According to Jennie when the lady from the yellow paper was free she felt free he self and she felt better. The author uses figurative language to express the feelings of the author and make us feel the pain she was feeling. Gilman use Alliteration as one of his figurative language. One of a metaphor example from the story is “The paint and paper look as if boy’s school had used it. It is stripped off the paper in a great …show more content…

Anaphora is when a writer begins one of his or her sentence with the word more than one time. For example in Gilman story she wrote “Personally, I disagree with their ideas. Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change would me good.” (Gilman pg. 551) Jennie husband Mr. Johnson doesn’t believe she sick as she insist she is but the husband don’t let her out of the mansion and told her to stop writing until she feels good again. But as the quote mention that she personally doesn’t agree with what her brother and husband want her to do. Another example of anaphora in Gilman story is “I don’t want know why I should write this. I don’t want to. I don’t feel able.” (Gilman pg.556) Jennie has a feeling she has to write the description of the room but she doesn’t feel she is able to do it and doesn’t want to write it. Jennie was already feeling tired of being trap like she was a prisoner she started to imagining stuff and started connecting feeling with the yellow

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