Fight For A New Generation

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"Freedom is never given; it is won"- A. Philip Randolph. Freedom is something that must be regained in every generation. It must not be taken for granted. Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Humans' most valued right is freedom. Every generation must fight for freedom. Civil rights activist, Coretta Scott King once said that freedom shouldn't be given but earned and that every generation should win it. Every generation has to fight for a new freedom. If one people in the past worked so hard to achieve their freedom, it is only fair to go to through so much for your own freedom. The constitution does say that permanent freedom is given, however, does society really follow the rules? After all, freedom is never really given but won. To begin with, each generation has to fight for a new freedom that the new generation before them didn't have. Therefore, they must work to earn these freedoms. For example, the current generation is fighting for gay rights. People before never fought to accept gay people; however, the issue became a serious issue recently. Gay people and supporters must earn their freedom. Another example of current freedoms would be women joining the army. Women must fight for their place in society. …show more content…

Every era in history had a new freedom that they fought for. During the civil rights era, African Americans had to fight for their rights. They had to hold up movements and protest to earn the right to be accepted into society. However, during the roaring 20s, there was a new freedom everyone was trying to achieve. It was women's rights. Women were breaking out of their shell and were doing what they wanted. They had already fought for the right to vote, and many didn't just stay in the home. They were creating a life of their own. Every era in the past had something new to stand up for, so modern generations should follow the

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