Feminists vs. Playboy Playmates

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Feminists vs. Playboy Playmates

Naked women have been in the front of feminist's minds for several decades. Especially when they are pictured in soft-pornography magazine Playboy. Feminists for years have been yelling that Playboy is harmful to both men and women. Males around the country have countered that there is nothing wrong with their Playboy, it is merely a harmless vice. The problem I see with Playboy is not that it demeans women or subjugates them, and its not that it leads to violence. The main problem is that it fosters unrealistic images and expectation in men's minds about women. But since there is little we can do about it now, we merely need to take that first step and recognize Playboy for what it is doing to our nation's men.

Playboy has a definite culture surrounding it. The Playboy rabbit is almost as universal as a stop sign. Playboy is one of the most popular magazines in America. While Playboy Enterprises owns many different companies such as the Playboy Channel, Spice T.V., and the Playboy CyberClub, Hugh Hefner will forever be entwined with the Playboy magazine in men's minds. He embodies everything that we see as being a "Playboy," from the A-list pajama parties to the huge house and limo and the seven beautiful blond girlfriends. There is no doubt, Heffner started a small, under-funded men's magazine that has become a national icon. James Beggan says that Playboy has had a definite influence on society in the last quarter century (Beggan, 342). Is having a magazine that has pictures of naked females becoming an influential piece of our culture helpful? Feminists around the world would shout in unison NO.

The feminist critique of Playboy center...

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...Ace trade ed. New York: Berkley Pub. Group, 1991.

Hiebert, Rick. "A Hard Line Against Soft Porn." Report/Newsmagazine 5 February 2001: 47. Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 10 March 2002. ASE Fulltext.

Martens, Ellin. "Hoop Dreams." Time 3 Sept. 2001: 97. Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 10 March 2002. ASE Fulltext.

Orecklin, Michele. "Innocence Lost, Part II." Time 18 Feb. 2002: 83. Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 10 March 2002. ASE Fulltext.

[1] Both the interviewees names have been changed at their request to protect their reputations.

[2] See Sara Diamond's paper in Women Against Censorship, she is talking about symbols and camera work in pornography and then somehow begins generalizing all pornography as violent.

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