Feminism In Carl Franklin's House Of Cards

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Carl Franklin’s “House of cards” Writers really try, they do, they include many female lead roles with ambitions and depths to their character that on the surface would make even the most extreme tumblr feminist jump for joy. But when you look a little closer you realise that they are merely tools for men to wield the achieve there goals or need to be saved by a Deus Ex Dong to achieve anything. The definition of feminism is idea that both men and women should have equal rights, but in the House of Cards women often are never equal to men and are never as smart or and cunning; which in the world of politics seems to be one of the most important things, along with being an old white man. Carl Franklin’s “House of cards” is a great example …show more content…

For example when Claire Underwood is trying to get attempting to get a lawsuit against her charity from a former employ, Gillian, that she had a falling out with her. Underwood and CWI to court and refuses accept a settlement with Claire, which means a lot of media attention which puts Claire and Frank under even more stress as Frank Underwood pursues the position of Vice President. This however is short lived once Claire cancels her insurance thus cutting off access to medicine she needs to ensure the health of her unborn child. She confronts Claire in her office where she says "I’m willing to let your child wither and die inside you if that's what's required". This noting only shows that Claire underwood is an awful person but shows that she is willing to use other womens bodies to get what she (or Frank) wants furthermore as the first female United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said during a campaign event with Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”. To me this shows that that the interpretation that the writers have of women in a politics and professional environment; which assumes that they have to be cold hearted to achieve where they are in there career for going against societal norms and not having children. Although they could also be

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