Female Serial Killing Case Study

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Frei, A., Völlm, B., Graf, M., & Dittmann, V. (2006). Female Serial Killing: Review and Case Report. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 16(3), 167-176. doi:10.1002/cbm.615
In this article, the authors review published material that addresses female serial killers. They use the relevant literature and evaluate its usefulness to assess an individual within said category. The article was peer-reviewed and published in an established academic journal.
Frei, Völlm, Graf, and Dittmann provided a detailed description of how they located the literature used in their research, gave a detailed case report of their subject, and analyzed their findings. The information in the article was presented in a clear manner and offered up the logical conclusion that more research into this topic needs to be performed and reported upon. The article is useful to my research purposes as female serial killers are the subject of my paper. …show more content…

(2004). Serial murder and the case of Aileen Wournos: attachment theory, psycothapy, and predatory aggression. Behavioural Sciences & The Law, 22(3). 375-393. doi: 10.1002/bsl.583
The authors of this article discuss attachment theory, psychopathy, and predatory aggression and relate them to female serial killers. They also present the unique case study of Aileen Wournos as an example of a convicted female serial killer. Prior to publication, the article was peer-reviewed and is a credible

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