Female Oppression

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Female Oppression
The narrator of the protagonist in Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening said, “Even as a child she had lived her own small life all within herself. At a very early period, she had apprehended instinctively the dual life—that outward existence which conforms, the inner life which questions.” In past societies, women were being oppressed by male figures. They all had something about them that wanted to conform to go along with society, but also had an inner self that wanted to rebel. According to Eagley, Wood, and Fishbaugh (1981), women are more concerned than men about the quality of interpersonal relationships. Therefore, women assess conformity as a more positive, self-defining act than males do. Females are seen as being more sensitive to others, and therefore conform more to keep a state of peace within them. However, people’s actions can vary day to day. You always find yourself questioning past actions and wanting to have done something else. This also goes for women’s conformity actions and them wanting to rebel to counteract their previous acts.
Kate Chopin is one writer who wrote extensively about the topic of female oppression. Two such stories are The Story of an Hour and The Storm. The Story of an Hour tells of a woman who is having a lot of controversy in herself. She wants to conform to the outside, and make it seem as if the event that happened has absolutely destroyed her, although it has not. She goes on to fight the urge of conforming, and rebelling against the previous male figure that in her mind, was holding her back. The Storm tells the story of a woman that is a complete train wreck inside her emotion self. As there is a figurative “storm,” going along inside of her, there is also a phys...

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...appointment that she would not be able to live a life on her own without being oppressed by her husband and their marriage.
Oppression is something that can be dealt with in many different ways. One person may want to rebel inside, while another may want to take physical actions. There are many ways that people deal with things, some being more effective and having different outcomes than others. Many women rebelled after being oppressed by society in the 19th century.

Works Cited

Eagly, A.H., Wood, W., & Fishbaugh. L. (1981). Sex Differences in Conformity: Surveillance by the Group as a Determinant of Male Nonconformity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40(2), 384-394
Santee, R.T., & Jackson, S.E. (1882). Identity Implications of Conformity: Sex Differences in Normative and Attributional Judgements. Social Psychology Quarterly, 45(2), 121-125

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