Fear Of Clowns Research Paper

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A foul smelling, yellow tooth clown is not something a coulrophobic would want to encounter. For some people clowns are fun, but for coulrophobics it’s a whole different story. This could be from seeing a clown on a birthday card ,or once on a TV show all the way to dressing up as a clown,or encountering a clown. When you have coulrophobia and one of these things happens, it probably won’t be pretty. Coulrophobia is when you have the fear of clowns. Do you know what a really awesome way to get rid of your fear of clowns is. Make a movie about clowns! What’s really cool is that the creator of the movie “IT” -Stephen King- has had a fear of clowns his whole life. Which is a exciting way to get over your fear.
Coulrophobia-The Fear of Clowns-

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