Fan Jin Passes The Juren Examination

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“Fan Jin Passes the Juren Examination” is a story written by Wu Jingxi, a failed scholar, that attempts to satirize the lofty ideals of the imperial examination. It tells the story of a fifty-year old man who has continually failed the examinations for thirty four years and has sought to pass the exams for all his life. Fan Jin exemplifies the struggle of every male in this era who has also devoted their lives in passing the examination in order to acquire an official title. This struggle is especially true for males coming from a humble background, like Fan Jin, and because the imperial examinations offer an opportunity of climbing up the steep and rigid social hierarchy of Chinese society, the mentality of bringing this glory to your family and yourself is romanticized. This glorification is with good reason too, because indeed the fruit of a scholar’s labor will taste so sweet. When Fan Jin passes the examinations, he is revered by his neighbours, villagers, and his whole family, including his father-in-law, Butcher Hu, who has always treated him with little respect. It is interesting to note that Butcher Hu changes his blunt attitude towards Fan Jin after learning that he passed. He went from treating Fan Jin like dirt to regarding him highly as “one of the stars in heaven” and hesitates to hit him unlike before. Other people around the village also show them their respect by offering him gifts. In conclusion, the story “Fan Jin Passes the Juren Examination” satirizes the struggle of pursuing scholars and the glorification of the rewards that come with passing the imperial

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