Family Misconceptions Of Family

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Family Family is an important part of every culture, and plays a major role in society. However, cultures within societies differ widely throughout the world. Due to this, it is important to study and define what a family is with a definition that is the same throughout the world and among different people. Family is a “social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children” (Ch. 13 class notes). In this paper the common misconceptions of family, the structural-functional theory, and then the comparison between the misconceptions and the structural-functional theory will be discussed. Some common misconceptions of family are due to the way people in societies tend to view family, or what they think defines a family. This happens when people in a society finds their own norms, and are not open minded to how different people, or societies view family. It is important to address how families can differ to fully understand the misconceptions of the sociological perspectives on family. Families can differ within a marriage. The marriage can be endogamy or exogamy. Endogamy is the marriage within people of the same social category, and …show more content…

Some children have no family, and are left alone and in care of the state. Eventually a child will find a foster and will receive emotional and material from them. However, their socialization may be impaired. Due to going from one foster family to other can cause the child to not fully understand what society expects from them. This is caused because every family is different. Every family comes from a different background, has different beliefs, and all have different social standings. This may cause the child to lash out due to not knowing what society expects from them, and may have a harder time making transitions to different stages in their

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