Family Issues

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A family is recognized as a group of people who shares DNA, love, respect, commitment and will to help one another within any situation. The importance of a family is to instruct children and gives guidance about personal values and social behavior. Unfortunately, in today’s world countless problems complicate this meaning. Issues such as incest, absent father figure, lack of communication, divorce, domestic violence, balance of work and materialism are many of the reasons why families continue to fail. These issues are categorized into three categories, which are social, emotional, and financial. Social issues or social problems relates to the perceptions of one’s life and moral character. Emotional issues affect one’s ability to be stable; some feelings may be happy, sad, or even depressed. Lastly, financial issues affect the ability to buy what you want or need. Incest, domestic violence and absent father figure are some of the emotional issues that affects a family. Incest is the sexual abuse of a child by a relative or another person in a position of trust and authority over the child. Close blood relatives that are statute to incest are father, mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother, sister, niece, and nephews. Forty six percent of children who are raped are victims of family members. Eleven percent of rape victims are raped by their fathers or step- fathers, and another 16 percent are raped by other relatives while they are children. In many cases, the child is in fear, that if they say anything it will disrupt the balance of the family. They often blame themselves for what has occurred, instead of the person who is supposed to love and protect them. Survivors of incest are affected in numerous ways; popula... ... middle of paper ... ... shown through emotions not things that can deteriorate. Families can be saved; it is up to the people involved to make the best of it. Family problems or issues are just a test to see if you can work together and love one another. Works Cited Blood, M. (2010, July 13). A Lack of Communication in the Family. Retrieved from Corcoran, K. O. (1997, June). Pyschological and Emotional Aspects of Divorce. Retrieved from David J. Anspaugh, G. E. (2007). Teaching Today's Health. United States: Pearson Education Inc. Inc., W. C. (2004). Incest. Retrieved from Peterson, R. (2009, May 1). Virginia Coopearative Extension. Retrieved from Virginia Tech:

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