A family is recognized as a group of people who shares DNA, love, respect, commitment and will to help one another within any situation. The importance of a family is to instruct children and gives guidance about personal values and social behavior. Unfortunately, in today’s world countless problems complicate this meaning. Issues such as incest, absent father figure, lack of communication, divorce, domestic violence, balance of work and materialism are many of the reasons why families continue to fail. These issues are categorized into three categories, which are social, emotional, and financial. Social issues or social problems relates to the perceptions of one’s life and moral character. Emotional issues affect one’s ability to be stable; some feelings may be happy, sad, or even depressed. Lastly, financial issues affect the ability to buy what you want or need. Incest, domestic violence and absent father figure are some of the emotional issues that affects a family. Incest is the sexual abuse of a child by a relative or another person in a position of trust and authority over the child. Close blood relatives that are statute to incest are father, mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brother, sister, niece, and nephews. Forty six percent of children who are raped are victims of family members. Eleven percent of rape victims are raped by their fathers or step- fathers, and another 16 percent are raped by other relatives while they are children. In many cases, the child is in fear, that if they say anything it will disrupt the balance of the family. They often blame themselves for what has occurred, instead of the person who is supposed to love and protect them. Survivors of incest are affected in numerous ways; popula... ... middle of paper ... ... shown through emotions not things that can deteriorate. Families can be saved; it is up to the people involved to make the best of it. Family problems or issues are just a test to see if you can work together and love one another. Works Cited Blood, M. (2010, July 13). A Lack of Communication in the Family. Retrieved from Livestrong.com: http://www.livestrong.com/article/173104-a-lack-of-communication-in-the-family/ Corcoran, K. O. (1997, June). Pyschological and Emotional Aspects of Divorce. Retrieved from http://www.mediate.com/articles/psych.cfm David J. Anspaugh, G. E. (2007). Teaching Today's Health. United States: Pearson Education Inc. Inc., W. C. (2004). Incest. Retrieved from http://www.wcasa.org/file_open.php?id=34 Peterson, R. (2009, May 1). Virginia Coopearative Extension. Retrieved from Virginia Tech: http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/350/350-092/350-092.html
Family, and its definition, is universal, it describes a union, particularly with parents and children. One could define Family as a group of people who are related to each other, a person’s children, and a group of related people who lived in the past. In reality, Family has a profound meaning, unique to every household and family. On a personal note, family is defined as a foundation of love, support, and strength.
Enrique, J. et al (2007), states that the family is the littlest unit of a general public and, subsequently, evaluative to its improvement and support. There are four primary matter in the development of a family: mate choice, spousal connections, child rearing, and change.
Incest could occur. Many sibling offenders have also grown up in families with many children; the average being three. Some studies point to neglect as an underlying dimension of sibling incest and that an older sibling is using a younger sibling to satisfy emotional needs, rather than a need for sexual gratification (Hargett, 2007). Parental rejection is also found to be more frequent in a sibling incest group than in a non-sibling group (Walsh & Krienert, 2011). A substantial proportion of parents of sibling incest offenders had themselves been victims of sexual and/or physical abuse; this could pa...
The sociological definition of the family is “a set of people related by blood, marriage or some other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society” (Schaeffer, 2009, p. 288). While the nuclear family (a man, a woman, and their children) was once the primary definition of family, now it refers to many familial configurations. Single-parent families, blended families, same-sex couples, traditional nuclear families and single-parents who have adopted are just a few of the configurations that society in general now views as a family. A healthy family will provide a place of unconditional love, acceptance and support.
The unit of a family is the most prominent essential for all of us. As social human beings, we seek social support in order to thrive, and that is where family comes into play. A family is where you receive love, support, encouragement, and many other social benefits. The total number of households in the United States increased from 63 million in 1970 to 113 million in 2008 (Weeks, 2012). The family has influenced multitudes of people in many ways. The traditional family in the United States consists two-married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring also know as the nuclear family. However, the term of a true family has ultimately changed over the last 50 years especially for African Americans.
When the word “family” is discussed, most people think of mothers, fathers, and other siblings. Some people think of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even cousins and more on the pedigree tree. Without family in people's lives, they would not be the same people that they grew up to be today and in the future. When people hear the word family they think about, the ones who will help them in any way they can whether it’s money, support, advice, or anything to help them succeed in life. Family will forever be the backbone of support.
Out of the numerous commodities and resources that are scarce on the planet in which we inhabit a family, or even a family system, can never be parallel to even an iota of them. This is due to the fact that everyone, no matter what age at what time period of their life, has a family. That family may not be the cookie cutter family that society imposes on the media world. People develop without knowing their family, people create new families of their own, or they can even find something or someone to call family because of this family will never be scarce. Family is an objective concept to every single person and the definition varies significantly from being as simple as the smallest of toys to as complex as a group of people interconnected
The family is a societal institution which initiates the positive and negative process of social interactions between people. Over the last few decades what constitutes the family has changed all over the world. Family in today’s environment is diverse in nature and may go beyond the scope of parents and children. Families can consist of variations in relationships such as close relatives, stepparents, half siblings and extended non-biological family members. Normally, immediate family members live in the same house, nearby, until the child reaches a specified age and maturity to go into the world and start their own family. Most often members of the families have intimate and personal relationships with each other. Within the family there is a continuation of social interactions between members that can influence and shape peoples responses and reactions to their larger societies.
Family by its nature is a social unit wherein children grow up and it acts like the socialization agent. Children receive their earliest and most consistent socialization here in the family. In a family it is very important as to how parents cater the needs of their children and how children take care of them in return. Parents as well as the child are very important part of the developmental process, as it is the parents who will shape the children as what they will become. The parent child relationship influences each other and together they shape the relationship they engage in it. Family is a social unit where in all the members living together is related to one another. Family is regarded
What is a family? A family is two or more people consider themselves to be blood related, or related by marriage, or adoption. Our families are who we love. We as families look different in so many ways. A family’s caregiving unit might have a couple, a mother, a father, and children. A family could also be a single parent and child, a group of siblings, a small or large group of friends. A family defines itself in many different ways. Families are the foundation of how our society and how it works. It is how we come into the world and nurtured and given the tools that we need to go out into our world. We are both capable and healthy or not our families influence our lives either in a good way or a bad way. While families
In this discussion, I will be explaining how I define family. I will also include my immediate and extended family. I will also describe what family means to me, how mine differs from other families in my neighborhood, and also how they are similar. I will also describe my family’s ethnicity and how it may affect any of my family’s health. To me, a family is a group of people that are brought together by blood, adoption, or marriage.
Family is arguably the most important social institution in an individual's life. A family is defined as a group of individuals that are related through blood ties, adoption or marriage, that form an economic unit, where the adult members are responsible
Families provide people with an atmosphere in which to live, grow, and develop. A family culture is established by the parents and instilled in the children during their upbringing. A healthy family is a family which follows a set of strong morals, stays loyal to one another, cooperates, and works together to avoid conflict. An environment where there is openness amongst family members is ideal because minds that are open are more susceptible to avoiding conflict than minds that are closed. If conflict gets the best of a family, it has the potential to increase hostility and create remoteness between family members, however, if a family resolves conflict, it can strengthen and enforce the family relationships.
Everyone is born into some form of family, with the family taking the responsibility of nurturing, teaching the norms or accepted behaviors within the family structure and within society. There are many types of families, which can be described as a set of relationships including parents and children and can include anyone related by blood or adoption. Family is the most important, “for it is within the family that the child is first socialized to serve the needs of the society and not only its own needs” (Goode, 1982).
There are so many different types of family relationships. Whatever form a family takes; it is an important part of everyone’s life. My family has played an important role in my life. Good family relationships serve as a foundation to interactions with others. Supportive families will help children to thrive. The quality of the family relationship is more important than the size of the family. Making the relationships priority, communication, and providing support for one another is key to developing relationships. Family relationships are what make up our world today; they shape the ways that we see things and the ways that we do things.