Family And Traditions In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker Family and traditions are very important part of our life, it describes who we are along with helping us to have a better perspective of our life. Family traditions are carry on and passed down from generations to generations everywhere all over the world. In "Everyday Use", by Alice Walker, Dee is the daughter of the narrator (Mrs. Johnson) and the sister of Maggie. The character Dee is known as the more fortunate sister, who 's all about looking fashionable and being cool. She’s also the smarter one. Dee views her heritage as something of the past only. Therefore, she recreated a new heritage for herself and rejected her real one. Being the more fortunate sister Dee had the opportunity to go away from …show more content…

There are disconnect between generations because there are kids who don 't value it. Dee is named after her Aunt which is a name that 've been passed down from generations to generations. It 's a symbolic of their family harmony. When Dee went home to visit her mom and Maggie she introduce herself as Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo, that 's the name she gave herself because she believes it represent her African heritage. Though Dee may seem to be very interested in her African heritage she do not fully understand it. Instead of treasuring her name she replaced it. Her name is an important part of her family. Appreciation is something that Dee needs in herself. Family history is very important, having a clear understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. Dee’s main interest was their family bench, butter churn, and quilts. Sadly, she don 't really care about how important it is but only think that it 'll be nice decorations. "I can use the churn top as a centerpiece for the alcove table," she said, sliding a plate over the churn, "and I 'll think of something artistic to do with the dasher ', (Walker 327). All of those things that she wants are part of Mrs. Johnson and Maggie’s everyday use. They hold on to those things because they value it. Dee don 't appreciate the valuables things the same way her mom and

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