Faith and Reason

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While some people may believe that science and religion differ drastically, science and religion both require reason and faith respectively. Religion uses reason as a way of learning and growing in one’s faith. Science, on the other hand, uses reason to provide facts and explain different hypotheses. Both, though, use reason for evidence as a way of gaining more knowledge about the subject. Although science tends to favor more “natural” views of the world, religion and science fundamentally need reason and faith to obtain more knowledge about their various subjects. In looking at science and religion, the similarities and differences in faith and reason can be seen. In exploring what faith really is, we must remove the stigmatism of being purely religiously based. Faith, in its truest form, is the reliance and complete confidence in a set of principles, standards, person, thing, doctrine, theory—anything that cannot be fully proven. While most of faith appears in a religious context, faith can be used in many different ways and in different subjects. The classic example of a chair comes to mind when exploring the meaning of having faith: scientifically, the person must retain the faith that the chair will hold him up when he sits down. This lies in true in science in discussing the forces of the universe throughout the galaxy, scientists cannot yet understand all the knowledge concerning the forces of space, but scientists have faith in the continuation of the forces and account for what is assumed will happen with the forces. Is reason in opposition to faith? Reason gives the impression of being about logic, evidence, proving something without emotion. Yet, reason is merely forming a conclusion. Reason does not hav... ... middle of paper ... ...believe in the reasoning behind the structure of Mecca and the evidence based in the Holy Qur’an. In Christianity and Islam, reason is found in experiences. Believers in these religions also seek reason in their texts for what occurs on Earth because they contain faith in their higher purpose. Works Cited Isaiah 1:18 NIV. Mark Gignilliat, “Hungry and Curious: On Desire and the Christian Life of the Mind” (speech, Birmingham, AL, October 31, 2013). Aristotle, “Nicomachean Ethics” in Core Texts Reader, ed. Rosemary Mims Fisk, John Mayfield, and W.J. Wallace (Acton: XanEdu, 2013), 79. Siddhartha Gautama, “Mediation: The Path to Enlightenment,” in Core Texts Reader, ed. Rosemary Mims Fisk, John Mayfield, and W.J. Wallace (Acton: XanEdu, 2013), 94-107. Saint Augustine, Confessions, trans. Henry Chadwick (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).

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